Saturday, September 15, 2012

I see judgment like the world has never known
The plagues in Egypt were a walk in the park
compared to what I'm being shown -
Massive earthquakes, fires out of control,
plagues and diseases will take their toll.
Drought and famine will become so common,
millions will die from these alone.
The judgment of fire is here.
Fire will cleanse, fire will clear
all chaff and rebellion from the planet.
All discord, God had condemned it.
You're either on fire from Heaven or Hell,
how you burn is your choice - choose well.
The Holy Spirit's fire will cleanse you within,
in Hell's fire you'll burn with lust and sin
and it will never be put out
no matter how hard you scream or shout.

During this judgment
there's nowhere on earth where you can be rescued
except where God has established a city of refuge.
Some saints will fall along with the rest -
where they are slain - judgment will be harshest.
Hate will rise, rapes and murders will abound.
Humanity will literally tear itself apart as relief is not found
The only place on earth real love will reside
is in the hearts of God's people, His Holy Pride.
The fire will expose everyone's true condition
Whether you're a false (tare) or a true (wheat) christian.
Whole cities will be devastated, destroyed.
Hell has enlarged herself to receive Satan's envoys,
for the torment on earth won't end with death
but will continue forever, I'm sad to confess.
It will be much worse then
knowing it will never end.
Repent now while you still can...

So that hot shower you took just this morning?
Savor it, enjoy every moment.
That cooked food, working toilet and any other luxury?
Man, you should be grateful for every day you have one of these -
and you should prepare for the inevitable,
food, water and assorted neccesities you should stock pile -
trust me, when food shortages and massive, prolonged power outages come,
it will have been worthwhile to stockpile.
The thought that strikes me now as I write these words -
it will be much better then to be living in the "third world".
For they will be used to doing without.
Ways to survive, they know how.
Many more of the poor will make it through,
while the prosperous and the rich won't know what to do.
They depend on their wealth to survive,
while the poor depend on God to hear their cries....

The reason the world will be judged so
is that all arrogance and pride must be brought low
God simply cannot ignore
the haughtiness he so deplores
It really is so easy
that even a child can understand -
God rebukes the proud
but exalts the humble man...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...