Monday, December 31, 2012

I'm like a seed pushing it's way up through the soil
The seed is my soul, the soil is my flesh (ly ways)
I'm fighting, I'm pushing, I'm the struggling one
trying to reach the Son.

And I won't quit, I won't be foiled
till I've broken through this stubborn soil
Till I breathe the air of freedom
till I feel the Son's light
I'll never cease to fight.

But without the water of your Word
I can't keep growing, I can't mature
I can't win this battle fierce
my topsoil I cannot pierce
Except with the sword of the Spirit.

Yet once I've broken through
I must keep reaching towards You
so high,
yet visible to every human eye
I must go on
to become strong
And when I've become attuned
to your voice, your will
I must be pruned,           still

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...