Saturday, June 22, 2013

King of The Moon

Sometimes I feel like I'm the king of the moon.
Got me a kingdom over which I can rule
but it's the kingdom of a fool.

For there's nobody here but me and these mice.
I'm ruling quite regally but it surely would be nice
if I had some subjects worthy to rule over
but all I've got is this abandoned moon rover.

So here I sit, day after day.
Starin' at your blue orb of clay.
Got to admire the view
but it'd be a lot nicer with you.

Says I, crazy as a loon
for bein' the King of The Moon...

Monday, June 17, 2013

We must all go outside the camp.
We must all be rejected by man.
We must all make the decision
to leave behind man's religion,
to quit following the crowd,
though they shout "crucify" so loud
and follow Christ instead.
Though if we do, men will crucify us till we're dead.
We'll be forsaken and rejected by all
as we follow God and obey his call,
bearing our own personal cross -
their hate and pride, religion's dross,
that comes from the self-titled "saints" who really are false.
They will despise and dishonour you
if it's Jesus you decide to pursue.
But after you've died from the wounds they inflict,
after your heart has become so sick
you can no longer bear it,
Tis then you'll be infused with
the ressurection life of God's very own Spirit,
rejuvenating you, through and through.
You'll now live by the faith of the son of God
and through him you'll survive all of man's prideful whims
and desire to rule in God's place,
and remove every reminder of the true God from off the earth's face
and you will rule forever, side by side Him in a state of Eternal Grace!

Yes, it's outside the city
deep in the wilderness
that the true fellowship of His Spirit
will leave you refreshed....

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The following was written after I was ministering in a children's service. I was led to explain "new creation" to the children using the caterpillar and butterfly analogy. I was segueing into the altar call when I was cut off and told to stop and do the planned game, a whisper game, that did nothing for the children at all. I sensed how grieved the Holy Spirit was and that grieved me. The "christians" present saw disobeying the Holy Spirit as "ministry". They don't even know him at all, and that grieves me. I see this as my number one priority in ministry for my next few years - introducing God's people, in name only, to the Holy Spirit, so they can truly become his people in deed also - doers of the Word, not just hearers. I want all who call on his name to be sensitive and obedient to him at all times...

That which I hate more than anything
is seeing God's children not following,
refusing to acknowledge or obey His will.
Of doing as they please - I've had my fill.
In service after service I see him ignored
and it's frustrating and it hurts me to my core.
I really, really, really despise
when Christians do not follow Christ.
The Holy Spirit is completely disdained
yet they do it all in Jesus' name.
The written word reveals God's general will
but only the Holy Spirit can daily fulfill
every desire he has, minute by minute.
We must loose the rein of our heart
and let him win it.
He must be submitted to, body and tongue,
every moment of every day,
for the victory to be won....

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why do you resist?
You kick against the pricks,
you persecute and attack me.
For when you do it to my followers
you do it to me, personally.

I'm gonna knock you down a notch.
That high horse? You're comin' off!
I'll blind you to this world's light
so you can receive true insight.
I'll call you to follow me
and you'll have this testimony -
you'll no longer be        a Pharisee.

I'll send you far and wide
but I'll always be by your side
and half the new testament you'll be inspired to write.
And my true enemies you'll fight -
spiritual beings intent on destruction.
You'll expose them through your instruction.

Many will know truth from your mouth and your pen
You'll bring deliverance to the people you now intend
to kill and jail.
You yourself will go to jail and be killed,
for you'll reap what you've sown according to my will
but just as you'll bring ressurection to the people you've slain,
so will I ressurect you by my mighty name.....

Saturday, June 1, 2013

As If Your Life Depended On It

From lust you'd better stray
In fear and trembling you'd better pray
Every single day
as if your life depended on it...

From temptation you'd better flee
From every unclean thought or thing
A daily sacrafice to God you should bring
as if your life depended on it...

For you life truly does depend on what you do
If you don't let God's love completely transform you
Then in the end you'll lose your most prized possession -
your very own soul....
so don't hesitate to learn this lesson...
this thought, dwell on it,
flee from lust, as if your life depended on it...

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...