Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why do you resist?
You kick against the pricks,
you persecute and attack me.
For when you do it to my followers
you do it to me, personally.

I'm gonna knock you down a notch.
That high horse? You're comin' off!
I'll blind you to this world's light
so you can receive true insight.
I'll call you to follow me
and you'll have this testimony -
you'll no longer be        a Pharisee.

I'll send you far and wide
but I'll always be by your side
and half the new testament you'll be inspired to write.
And my true enemies you'll fight -
spiritual beings intent on destruction.
You'll expose them through your instruction.

Many will know truth from your mouth and your pen
You'll bring deliverance to the people you now intend
to kill and jail.
You yourself will go to jail and be killed,
for you'll reap what you've sown according to my will
but just as you'll bring ressurection to the people you've slain,
so will I ressurect you by my mighty name.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...