Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The following was written after I was ministering in a children's service. I was led to explain "new creation" to the children using the caterpillar and butterfly analogy. I was segueing into the altar call when I was cut off and told to stop and do the planned game, a whisper game, that did nothing for the children at all. I sensed how grieved the Holy Spirit was and that grieved me. The "christians" present saw disobeying the Holy Spirit as "ministry". They don't even know him at all, and that grieves me. I see this as my number one priority in ministry for my next few years - introducing God's people, in name only, to the Holy Spirit, so they can truly become his people in deed also - doers of the Word, not just hearers. I want all who call on his name to be sensitive and obedient to him at all times...

That which I hate more than anything
is seeing God's children not following,
refusing to acknowledge or obey His will.
Of doing as they please - I've had my fill.
In service after service I see him ignored
and it's frustrating and it hurts me to my core.
I really, really, really despise
when Christians do not follow Christ.
The Holy Spirit is completely disdained
yet they do it all in Jesus' name.
The written word reveals God's general will
but only the Holy Spirit can daily fulfill
every desire he has, minute by minute.
We must loose the rein of our heart
and let him win it.
He must be submitted to, body and tongue,
every moment of every day,
for the victory to be won....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...