Saturday, April 5, 2014

The subway system
spewed forth the train into the twilight
as if indigestion was its plight

and the lonely souls
continued their journey to hapless goals
unable or perhaps unwilling
to even consider fulfilling
the forgotten dreams of their youth

Finding adventure only on screens
they've allowed themselves
to cease to dream
and then                    and rare
an unwilling one appears in their midst
oh!    the stares!
The avant-garde and those who risk
refuse to be bound by mediocrity's detritus
from a society gone numb
blind, deaf and dumb
to originality -  to freedom to be
separate from uniformity.

Can you see?
Can you sense?
Your future's only recompense
in a world that only allows difference
it approves of
is a complete lack of God-like love.....

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