Saturday, May 31, 2014

My God is committed to me.
My God loves me faithfully.
His heart desires to see me succeed.
He loves me so much He was willing to bleed
and take my agony.
Yes my God is committed        to me.

My God cares for me           deeply.
He's never given up on me.
He'll see me through to my final breath.
Then he'll prove he's conquered death,
yes my God cares for me yet!

My God is faithful when I am not.
His passionate love for me never stops.
He won't leave me or forsake me -
He won't let me rot,
My God is steadfast though I am not.

He will deliver me
from a Hell of my own making.
His love will save me
from eternally partaking
of the fruit of my rebelliousness
because of His forgiveness -

                                                           daily I am weak and frail
                                                           daily I am prone to fail
                                                           daily I refuse to fight
                                                           the sins that cause my present plight
                                                           my eyes wander, my heart strays
                                                           daily I do not seek your ways
                                                           I do not seek your face
                                                           I've become such a disgrace
                                                           I've chosen to replace
                                                           your wonderful presence
                                                           with fleshly pleasures
                                                           to what measures
                                                           will I turn to
                                                           before I once again
                                                           choose to obey you?

                                                           daily I will eat your bread
                                                           by listening to what you've said
                                                           daily forgive me for all my wrongs
                                                            as I try to stay where I belong
                                                           May your Kingdom come
                                                           may your will be done
                                                           in my heart as it is in Heaven
                                                           May Satan's sway
                                                           O'er me today
                                                            be removed like the Pharisee's leaven
                                                           May the whisper to me
                                                           to exalt myself
                                                           above your will
                                                           be cast down to Hell
                                                           and never fulfilled.......


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Where the lovers go

That's where the lovers go -
to the corner of the park,
where the shadows grow
young, careless, free,
to giggle at one another,
to hold each others hand,
to laugh and love
and be unsure.
To still be on a path of discovery.
To still not know what tomorrow will bring,
to still spend time in joyful wondering,
enjoying the small things,
that's where the lovers go.
Living in the moment.
Creating a past from the sparks of life
shining brightly when they come together -
sparks from the flint of their desire to love
and be loved.

As I age -
I'd rather be young, dumb and in love
than a sage.

I long to live with my heart, again,
with my heart unafraid and wide open
but my heart's become
so cold and hardened.

I'd give it all away
for but a single day
with a heart that knows
where the lovers go.....

Written from the roof top garden on top of the Lotte dept. store in Cheongyonggi, as I watched the young lovers, strolling arm in arm, seeking the shadows......

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Gonna scrap my dignity
exchange it for humility
admit to the one who needs help
that is to say, myself
I'm in need
of a healthy dose of reality
I'm not the man I want to be
but change is a slow train runnin'
takin' too long waitin' for it's comin'
runnin' out of breaths to breathe
on this earth -
need change, desperately,
to escape this curse.
So Jesus please, hear my plea,
make a change on the inside of me.
Unless you do, I'm done for,
nothin' but chaff swept out the door.
So I'm sincerely seeking
just a little more tweaking,
a little more refining, if you please
I'm so far from perfected
when I'm Holy Spirit inspected
I see I'm still in dire need
to submit and take heed
for Jesus, I've fallen away from you
to such a degree.
I'm not nearly as close
as I'd like to be
I'm asking you now
won't you please help me?
By restoring our intimacy?

Being closer to you
is all I want to do
I've made my decision
to exchange programs and religion,
empty traditions
for you.
I want your presence
I want an audience
with the only One
who really matters
to me -
the One who decides my destiny........

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Reverse Course

You'd rather hear your own words than God's.
You'd rather hear your own voice too.
Herein lies the seeds of your own death -
rather then God's Spirit you prefer your own flesh.
Problem is -
                                Your flesh is dying
                                 because it harbors your sin.
                                 There's no denying
                                 you're corrupt within
                                 And only by dying
                                 to yourself  and living in Him
                                 can you win.
So pick up your cross today.
On His cross your sins were laid.
On His cross the price was paid
for your absolution.
On your cross lies your obedience to His Will.
On your cross you must deny, you must kill
every thought and desire
to live in your flesh and disobedience.
Choose you this day - eternal life or eternal death....

Sunday, May 11, 2014


On Baek un bong
the late afternoon sun
turns the leaves translucent
This,   thinks I,            is    beauty.
In the deep wood
     the absence of man
                is satisfyingly good
Nothing man-made
    can be seen or heard
          from within this pool of shade
I am sitting in.
My soul is cleansed
by the cascading waterfall of sounds
nature's seduction
is the reduction
of all that is of man
Dragon fly's
buzzing by
pausing at times
to land on my knee
and stare at me
finding out quickly
I'm no good to eat
flying away to their next rendezvous
with freedom
No one but God controls them.

I love the wildflowers
and able to be
who God created them to be
To find them -
one must make the effort
to go off the well-trod path
to go to places rarely seen
or known
One must be willing to sacrifice
strength for weakness
popularity for lonliness
but when found
their wild beauty and ability
to please God
make them a treasure worth seeking
And once found in that hidden valley
high in the mountains of God's solace
once found, one finds
one has become of like mind
and by God's magnificent power
has been transformed into a

Monday, May 5, 2014

I didn't realize how strong I was...
Didn't realize the impression I could make on my child
could be so permanent, so lasting.
Physically - I could easily crush her
but now I see how easily
I could crush her emotions, her spirit, too.

A constant attention to her flaws,
would bruise her soul.
Or worse -
                      ignoring her completely
                     even when she speaks to me,
                        she shares her heart
                            and I
                                     I don't hear a word she's saying
                              not even realizing I am slaying
          the thread of love
                that binds our hearts
                    proving how,    after all,
                                      I'm not so smart.....

Thursday, May 1, 2014

                 Like sifting sand falling
                 through the hour-glass of my mind
                 drifting lazily but inexorably
                 with time....

                 sunlight warms my face
                 I turn towards it, joyfully
                 A child without a care in the world
                             will spider man survive his next battle?

A valley
                 with fields of lush, thick grass
                 gently sloping upward. An Asian lady
                 serves me fried rice for the first
                 time and I love it.

                 I get the giant-sized spider man comic
                 book and I run to my room to take
                 a look, forgetting all about the bike.

Memories   Some are shrouded in fog
                    others are crystal clear
                    I trust my soul knows
                    which to discard
                    and which to hold dear.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...