Saturday, June 28, 2014

It's not those that come to Church that are saved
but those that come to Me,     Jesus says.
You can go to church your entire life
yet never become My bride.
You must know Me inside.

My Spirit must be welcomed by your spirit
for by My Spirit I dwell in you - it's true.
Apart from Me you can do nothing
for My Spirit bears My gifts and My fruit
of which you should be in passionate pursuit.

And do not say My Word is all you need
for it is My Word that testifies of Me.
It is given to lead you into relationship,
into Holy fellowship.
It testifies of the Truth - I am the Truth.
Many have My word on their lips
but not in their hearts
(with me they are not in fellowship).

I grieve
to see
so many
Come to Me
Come to Me
all you who are weary
and empty
Invite Me, by My Spirit, to dwell in you.
Don't just hear My words but do.
Enter into all you never knew
not just knowledge
but Me too...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Can you imagine God's delight when He gets to escort the poor around Heaven?

"If this is the reward I get for suffering so much on earth than let me suffer a thousand lifetimes".

The smiles on their faces - the huge grins that just stay and never fade away. That's what stands out to the Lord the most. Some cry buckets of joy. Some are shocked but happy to see the huge smile on the Lord's face. The twinkle in His eye as He shows them riches beyond Bill Gates wildest dreams, riches more than any sultan or king ever had. And yet -
        In heaven they are as common as dirt yet the people's hearts aren't moved by it because their hearts treasure Heaven's true richness - which is the Lord Himself - His very presence is what they desired back on earth. Their hearts are set on Him and He has, at the last, given them the desire of their hearts - HIMSELF.
        Still, His handiwork truly astounds, streets of gold but more - stones and gems never seen on earth, entirely new kinds of matter - beauty unheard of, never before experienced. He's saved the best for last!

It's kind of ironic - The rich spend so much time and effort accumulating wealth on earth only to have the poor end up with it all.

Really, the more of our lives we give away here on earth, the more we end up with in Heaven. So giving really is better than receiving!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Door

The Door was wide open
I didn't even have to knock
I had to decide
to go through it         or stop
The Door could only fit
one person at a time
The decision to go through it
had to be entirely mine
If I decided to go through,
if I decided to enter in,
there'd be no turning back
to my lifestyle of sin.

For the Door is Jesus
who is love eternally
And love never sins,
love is always godly.
So the real choice is to
surrender the weapons of my heart -
Lust, hate and pride
keep love and I        far apart.
They aren't allowed through the Door
so they aren't welcome in me anymore

                                        I choose love.

I choose this day to surrender and obey.
I'll embrace my new life
I'll love with words and deeds
my God, my children, my wife.
I'll choose do to what's right
because the only One who's right
chose me.
I'll choose each day
not to turn back
but stay
that my soul may remain
wedded to His name

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

When you get a chance to shine - take it.
Don't be shy when your moment comes - to fly.
Step into the spotlight, not away.
We want to hear what you have to say.
                         You were born to shine
                          that's the truth, really it is
                         So during your lifetime
                          please remember this -
You are equal to anyone else on earth.
Your life has meaning, value and worth -
but you must assert yourself when the time is right.
You must not shun but embrace the light,
knowing this - you're incredibly important
but people won't know unless you take a stance,
take a chance!
Some will reject you,
more will accept you,
applaud you,
because you chose to dance,
to be free
to express your personality.
You chose freedom over fear
and as you did - your destiny became clear -
You              Are           Dear

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A few words....

Words are like flowers sprouting
in the fertile soil of our minds.....
They can comfort, exhort, teach,
or they can be unkind.....
I use them to provoke, to inspire,
to cause ignorance to expire....
To convey wisdom and knowledge
and revelation not taught in college....
They can make or break relationships,
with a word in due season or lack of it....
Their absence can be a blessing in disguise
when what is needed is a hug or a look in the eyes...
They've started wars and ended them too...
When it comes to words - what about you?
Are your words kind and wise and good?
Do you mean what you say and say what you should?
Or do you speak out of turn,
or when your anger burns?
Your tongue is the rudder of your soul -
is it disciplined or out of control?
What you say will let me know -
do Satan's or God's words rule your soul?

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...