Sunday, August 17, 2014

1 Samuel 17:28-30

"Oh David, nasty one -
we shouldn't listen to any more of your prattle,
for you, little brother, least among sons,
have only come here to see a battle.
I know your heart - it is wicked indeed.
You've only come here to embarrass me."

David replied - "What have I done now?
Is there not a cause?"
And he turned from his brother without even a pause,
for he was used to his brother's jealousy,
his brother was angry with him constantly,
for God had chosen David above all his brethren
because God knew David's heart.
David's heart was a heart like God's -
humility was something David didn't find odd.

Today we find the exact same situation
in every tribe, in every nation,
we find in churches jealousy and strife
because some are not true followers of Christ.
When God chooses and anoints someone,
especially the least,
their hearts turn bitter with pride and envy.
Who are they to be chosen before me?
I've been serving here much longer quite faithfully!
It should have been me with those gifts, that calling!
The fact they've been chosen and not me is appalling!
I will thwart and resist their ministry,
because quite frankly, they're not worthy.
God made a mistake when He picked them.
I'm the one who should have been chosen.

So instead of receiving them as God meant,
they reject the very blessing He sent.
In doing so they harden their hearts,
setting their hearts on fire of Hell,
forgetting what they should have remembered so well -
"Esteem your brother more highly than yourself."

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...