Sunday, August 24, 2014

Writing is a catharsis for my soul.
It helps to keep me whole,
but I worry that I write
from a place of hurt,
that writing is how I attain self=worth.
My mind knows that
my worth is only found in
the Blood that Jesus shed -
but does my heart agree
with what I just said?
Oh well - just striving for honesty
from somewhere deep inside of me.
Not trying to impress you,
rather trying to impress me.
Though I hope you enjoy
these musings of mine,
do or don't, I'll still write the next line.
If no one ever hears
but my very own ears,
still, I will write
to release what's deep inside.
I do want to matter
so someone besides myself,
to show I'm more than
just an empty shell -
When I'm gone to my eternal home,
what will remain but the words in these poems?
Words are my bones, my flesh,
they will keep my memory alive,
far beyond my death.......

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...