Saturday, May 30, 2015

to forgive those who sin against you.
Never forget to forget the wrongs that people do.
Never forget to return to your enemy
Love, Forgiveness and Mercy
It is only then, over them, we’ll have the Victory.

Vengeance is Mine, says The Lord, Mine alone to keep.
You have all gone astray, every one of you just like a flock of sheep.
You have no right to exact revenge against your motherland’s brother,
For another sin can never make right the grievous sin of another.
So lay down your arms
cease to do each other harm.
Make Love your weapon of choice.
Then we’ll see a new dawn arrive
and all the land will give voice
To a brand new reality –

“Behold how good and pleasant it is
for brethren to dwell in unity”


This was written during my first trip to Belfast. It was in response to signs and murals I saw everywhere depicting men with ski masks on and guns, with the words “never forget”. Afterwards, this poem was published in the East Belfast Observer!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Come River flow
through this dry and thirsty land
Come Spirit fill
every woman, child and man

Quench every heart
with the Wine of Your Word
Drench every soul
till all Nations have heard

Your Mighty Spirit is the only one
Who can preach the Word with Power

What we need, most desperately
in these final hours
is The River of God, fully flowing
watering and bringing the Kingdom to full flower

So all may hear and all may see
You satisfying all who are hungry and thirsty

Thursday, May 21, 2015

When you're in love
with someone, you don't
notice their flaws,
their imperfections
No matter what they wear
no matter how long you stare
They look beautiful
to you

God is in love
with us.
He doesn't see
our flaws,
our imperfections,
to Him, we are flawless,
Because love
only sees

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Beleaguered, battered and broken and torn
Scattered and shattered, ridiculed and scorned
Attacked and berated and wanting our death
Though all forsake us, still we will confess –

You my Father are Faithful and True
You my Father will carry me through
Though I’m imperfect and fail time after time
You’ll never stop holding this weak heart of mine
Forever our hearts will be intertwined

You’ll love me and keep me though no one else will
I’ll rest in my knowledge of You
and be still….

2 Cor:12:15

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Lord taught me a lesson last night....a man tried to cut in front of me as I was getting on the train.....there was a long line waiting, 12 people, and he tried to skip the line instead of waiting patiently, like everyone else....I saw this as an injustice....I told him to wait in line like everyone else....when I got on the train, the Lord told me I should have given him my spot in line, or offered to let him cut in front of me...The Lord said I "Should see every injusti...ce as an opportunity to bless" other words when someone wants something from me, whatever it is, freely give it to them, my spot in line, my wallet, my coat......this way I free my soul from earthly pursuits and align myself with Heaven....I lose my life in order to gain Eternal life....I stop taking offense and love instead....but, this applies to myself....if I see injustice to others, I should stand up for them.....hope some of this makes sense to someone....

Friday, May 8, 2015

I want us to go beyond Babylon
Far past the false Religious Spirit of this fallen world
I want the world wide Body of Christ
Every man, woman, boy and girl
To go much further than we’ve ever gone –
To be completely free of Babylon
“Come out and be ye separate” says The Lord
“Flee from the midst of her –
Her judgment is nigh, oh hear My heart’s cry,
Don’t be found in her when I appear in the sky!
My people, I’m setting you free,
For this is your Destiny,
The destiny of all who come to Me –
To shake even the dust of that city
From off of your feet, that when I return, when we fully meet,
The religious pride of Babylon won’t be found inside My Holy Bride
So My people – sing this song –
Deliver us Father, from Babylon!
Don ‘t go through a single day
Where you don’t cry out to Me and pray”
Restore us, oh Father, restore us today
Holy and True are You, the Life and the Way
Judge of the whole earth – we love You not Babylon
We are the people prepared for You – the New Jerusalem
Not Babylon, the bride of satan
So we’ll forsake every earthly care
And rise right now to meet You in the air
We’ll join You in Spirit, then of a truth,
Our bodies will follow You, forever renewed.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Oh Lord You turn what was meant for evil into our good
Though Joseph was in prison You changed his neighbourhood
You delivered him from all of his afflictions
And gave him favour in the sight of the Egyptians
Then indeed turned his bondage on to the whole earth
Silencing the sounds of the wicked one’s mirth
That through Joseph they might be saved
Though they were so depraved
And You do the same today –
Though evil is what many say
of us, trying hard to curse
You, oh God, put it all in reverse
And You will use us to save
All who curse us today
For You turn what was meant for evil and cause only good to result
Therefore we stand in this day’s tumult
Rejoicing! In this Truth we trust –
If You are for us, no one can succeed against us.
You were put in the pit
That we might come out of it
You went to Hell that we might be well
You suffered from our fall
That we might enjoy all
Our Father’s Kingdom – for it is His good pleasure
To give it to us without measure!

Friday, May 1, 2015

I gaze upon Thy wondrous views
My heart responds to such good news
All creation groans and it doth say
Oh my God oh I give You Praise!

For You are worthy of our hearts
So may our Praises now impart
Our love for You who knew no sin
Till You met us, our offering

You stooped to us, made Yourself low
That each of us may now go
To be with You Eternally
We are Your Bride, full of Your Glory!

Oh Praise Him now!
Oh Praise Him long!
Oh Praise Him loud
Through this simple song

May our hearts’ lone destiny be
to belong to God in humility

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...