Monday, May 11, 2015

The Lord taught me a lesson last night....a man tried to cut in front of me as I was getting on the train.....there was a long line waiting, 12 people, and he tried to skip the line instead of waiting patiently, like everyone else....I saw this as an injustice....I told him to wait in line like everyone else....when I got on the train, the Lord told me I should have given him my spot in line, or offered to let him cut in front of me...The Lord said I "Should see every injusti...ce as an opportunity to bless" other words when someone wants something from me, whatever it is, freely give it to them, my spot in line, my wallet, my coat......this way I free my soul from earthly pursuits and align myself with Heaven....I lose my life in order to gain Eternal life....I stop taking offense and love instead....but, this applies to myself....if I see injustice to others, I should stand up for them.....hope some of this makes sense to someone....

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