Thursday, July 30, 2015

There is a place
where the unloved, the least,
the hurting, the hungry, can sit down and feast.
There is a love unending that satisfies.
There is one who hears every lonely cry,
who sees every tear shed in the night,
who's love will last forever,
who will make every wrong right.
What you're looking for     He is made of
For God,           for God,             He is Love
He's gentle, he's kind, he'll leave no one behind.
He's patient, (our sins) he forgives
that we may always live
He doesn't list the wrongs
of those who sing his song
His mighty song of Love
who embrace Him with thier hearts
So those who live with rejection and poverty and pain
will have paradise to their gain
So all that you crave can be yours today
simply open your heart to the One who saves...

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Walking in the Spirit
lightens my burden
I turn to Him
whenever I'm hurtin'
Within my heart
he and I sup
and I realize
I'm floating up

 Upward bound
Upward trajectory
High above ground
I'm soaring free

I don't look down
but keep my eye
On the One who blazed a trail
through the welcoming sky
The One who flew before me
on whose wings I rise

When trials come
as I know they must
I don't come undone
I don't raise a fuss
For this I know -
In this truth I trust,
when I fall,
I'm falling up!

Upward bound
                                                                    Upward trajectory
                                                                   High above ground
                                                                  I'm soaring free
                                                                 I don't look down
                                                                but keep my eye
                                                               on the One who blazed a trail
                                                              to this pristine sky
                                                             the One who flew before me
                                                            on whose wings I am soaring
                                                           who will ever live and not die

The Higher I rise
the more I see
I'm not going home            no
my home's coming to me
For his very throne
is in my heart
To God I'm known
from the very start

I'm floating up
like a Spirit-filled balloon
Yes I'm floating up
and I know that very soon
I'll meet Him here
in the midst of the sky
He'll wipe each tear
from the midst of my eyes
And I'll never
know pain again
because our union
will never end............

(Down floats the dust but I'm floating up)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lord, I yield my heart to you
Place it on the altar to
give you my heart in sacrafice
May all my heart now be made right

When temptations come, as I know they must
May I then set my heart to trust
That your deliverance is sure
For my heart's disease you are the cure

There is no other to which I flee
But to my source of purity
For you my Jesus alone are Holy
And you alone can rescue me

I yield my soul to you most High
Hear my plea, oh hear my cry
May all my sin within me die
That I may join you in the sky

I am wicked, I am wretched
I am poor and blind and naked
Without you my heart a desert waste is
You oh God are my oasis

Find my heart a furrowed field
To you my Lord doth my heart yield

Friday, July 17, 2015

My prayer for all who are caught in Religion -

"She shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them: and she shall seek them; but shall not find them: then shall she say I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now" (Hosea 2:7)

"Oh God, rescue us from watchmen that are blind and ingorant, that cannot bark, that love to slumber. Deliver us from greedy dogs which can never have enough, from shepherds that cannot understand, that all look to their own way, everyone for his own gain, from his quarter" (Isaiah 56:10&11)


"Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: and they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away"

As we flee Babylon, sorrow and mourning shall flee from us.

Monday, July 13, 2015

We have enough about a fountain of smart?

Scripture on nursery wall - "We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed"

The grave of Karl Marx is just another communist plot....


Thursday, July 9, 2015

       All religions on earth come from the flesh because all religions (including Christianity) presume to tell us THROUGH KNOWLEDGE what is right or wrong when it comes to our relationship with God. This comes from pride. The impartation and reception of knowledge sanctioned by God can only be done spirit to spirit. Our minds should grasp what our spirits perceive - not the other way around.
       All religion comes from the Tree of knowledge (of good and evil), therefore all religion focuses on knowledge to the point where they exalt men who purport to have knowledge, i.e. those who went to Bible College or Seminary or who sat at a man's (flesh) feet and learned knowledge imparted by men....God stresses in scripture that He delights in using the unlearned, those the world (and most churches) consider to be fools...most churches indeed do the opposite of God's heart, they honor and exalt the learned while despising those God counts to be wise...
       Spiritual knowledge is what we should seek and this comes only from the Holy Spirit - either directly to our spirit or through a man or woman God has chosen whose flesh is yielded to Him. All Christian denominations are built on, and separated by, their knowledge, interpretation and understanding of Scripture, therefore they are all built on a faulty foundation. They cannot nor will ever be, blessed and accepted by God, who builds His church on revelation, i.e. knowledge revealed by the Father by His Spirit. It does not come from man. When man teaches from man's wisdom, all manner of error and false doctrine's result.
      Please do not fall into this trap - your intellect must become Holy, you must access the mind of Christ. Do not worship or engage in the pursuit of knowledge for it's own sake, rather pursue Christ and He will fill you with his Spirit who will personally teach and instruct you....witnessing to you whenever a man (or woman) teaches you, purporting to represent God...He will show you if the teaching is from him or let the Holy Spirit instruct you and Him alone.
       Sitting and listening to a man speak week after week was never God's intent for His people. Gathering and meeting with Him through His Holy Spirit has always been His intention and when the Holy Spirit is present, He will speak through anyone available, anyone He chooses, not man....indeed many tongues on fire for Him bring Him far more glory than just one...many tongues will sing, praise, pray, prophecy and exhort and yes, teach, during a meeting where He is in control. No one man's tongue will be exalted over another's but rather the only tongue to be honored and exalted and heard will be the tongue of Jesus Himself...
                                                       Selah. Amen....

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The United States of Amiracle

Righteousness exalts a Nation
but sin is a reproach to any people
Let the message of Salvation
ring loud and clear from every steeple

Let this land so full of rebellion and sin
no longer so brave, no longer so free
Let us each turn our hearts to Him
whom we each must worship, eventually
Let us each to Him bend our knees
and if we
humble ourselves and pray
and if we
turn from our wicked ways
then The Lord He
will look down from Heaven above
and The Lord He
will restore us with His Love
and the world will see the rebirth of a country –
From shining sea to sea
we will be

The United States of Amiracle
as our hearts are turned to Him
The United States of Amiracle
as we forsake our sin
The United States of Amiracle
His Righteousness – our only Hope
The United States of Amiracle
His Blood alone removes our reproach

A question was asked in bygone days
about a flag that flies, a flag that waves
The question asked “Does it still fly today?”
“Over the land of the free, over the home of the brave?”
Now ask yourself this as you ponder these words –
Is our Nation free? Do our men have courage?
Or have our minds been seduced by Hollywood’s sorceries?
(some call the movies)
Or have the eyes of our souls been blinded by the light of our TV’s?
Have we bowed ourselves down to idols?
Have we committed spiritual adultery?
Is our land full of the blood of Innocents?
Blood that never should have been shed?

The men of our Nation are impotent
When it comes to producing the fruit of Righteousness
Our men are spiritually lame –
Just give them a beer and a football game
and suddenly a generation passes
from Freedom to bondage, the seduction of the masses
and as we calmly go to Hell
We’re distracted into thinking all is well
(we no longer think for ourselves)

From the time we exit the womb
to the time we enter the grave
We’re brainwashed and taught to consume
The lies that make us their slaves

Yes we’re a Nation of consumers,
A Nation of baby-boomers
and what we buy, what we eat, what we wear, what we sell,
is all dependant on someone else
They want us to think that we’re free
As long as they control our destiny

You seek to spawn then control our thoughts
Babylon – You mother of harlots
You traffic in the souls of men you’ve caught
The land is full of the stench of your sin
Oh how the mighty have fallen!
Release them! Release them! Release them!
Your kingdom will come to naught.


Our families are falling apart
as each one seeks his own pleasure
As each of us hardens our heart
Divorce is so common it cannot be measured
Our Nation’s only hope is and has always been
To repent and call on the Name of The Lord – then and only then –
Will the Lord He
Look down from Heaven above
And the Lord He
Will restore us with His Love
And the world will see
The rebirth of a country
From shining sea to sea
Will be

The United States of Amiracle
as our hearts are turned to Him
The United States of Amiracle
as we forsake our sin
The United States of Amiracle
His Righteousness – our only Hope
The United States of Amiracle
His Blood removes our reproach

The people of God in the midst of man
are as trees growing in a desolate land
Oh people of God, we are trees of Righteousness
The planting of The Lord in a desert wilderness
As Christians – we are this Nation’s only chance
We bear the precious seed from the Tree of Life
Seed the Holy Spirit implants
Oh the Way, the Truth and Eternal Life
Lies within the precious seed of Christ
that is found within you and found within I
It’s Harvest time! It’s Harvest time!
Our Redemption draws nigh!
To bring all who are His swiftly to His side
To redeem to Himself all born of Christ –
We are His seed, His crop, His wheat,
Lord of the Harvest! Are we ready?
Are we ready?
The Hope of all mankind lies within our breast
But we must sow the Gospel to reap the (eternal) Harvest

The outer shell of the old man must die and fall away
That the lost may see, that the lost may taste
Those who thirst for Righteousness
Lost in the desert called Sin
May freely come and freely drink
of the fountain of Life springing up within
You and I (even these very words of mine)
That they may live forever and not die
As I decrease He will increase
Of His Kingdom there is no end – His Kingdom will never cease!
For truly with Yeshua The Messiah is found everlasting Peace!


So people of God, we must be
The Light in the darkened hearts of humanity
Oh people of God we must reveal
Christ to the world so they’ll know He’s real
As the people of God, we must sacrifice
We must die to self, we must lay down our lives
Or surely dear ones, our Nation will die. Selah.

But how can the lost partake of our fruit,
If we remain in our churches in our three-piece suits?
Those lost and dying in the desert of Sin
Don’t have the strength to make it in
To these oasis’ we call “Church”, no
WE must go to THEM (carrying the water of the Word of Life)

Alas we must not continue to ignore
The cry of The Spirit – the knock at the Door
If we continue to choose Religion instead of choosing Him
How many more will perish from their sin?


Therefore Hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth
Without measure,
Descending into her are the souls of men –
Lost to The Lord forever
Forgive us Lord, so many perish
because Your people are held captive, because we have no knowledge,
Please restore to us understanding, Lord,
That we may walk uprightly
And we will make of men disciples of Thee
And signs shall follow them that believe
And blind eyes will open and captives will go free
For we don’t live to ourselves and we don’t die to ourselves –
It’s You we seek to please so You
Will look down from Heaven above and You
Will restore us with Your Love
And the world will see
The rebirth of a country
From shining sea to sea
We will be

The United States of Amiracle
As our hearts are turned to Him
The United States of Amiracle
As we forsake our sin
The United States of Amiracle
As we keep Covenant once again
The United States of Amiracle
His Righteousness, Lord Jesus, our only Hope!
The United States of Amiracle
His Blood alone removes our reproach!


1 Chr:6:28:31 7:14&15

What a clarion call in the Spirit! I sat and wrote this in one hour. It just poured out. If ever a nation needed to hear a message, that nation is America and this message is it. 911 was a prophetic sign from God to our nation that very few saw. He was basically saying, through the collapse of the twin towers (of world trade, representing Babylon) that I can take anyone High and mighty, full of Pride and arrogance, and I can bring them low in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, sudden destruction came upon them. I will resist the proud but give Grace to the humble. As a nation, the USA has no problem humbling ourselves and praying during a national crisis, our problem is in turning from our wicked ways. We’d just as soon leave that part of the scripture out, yet if we do not, pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. And great was the fall thereof…

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...