Friday, September 18, 2015

   Remember, Spirit created flesh, not the other way around. The Eternal Holy Spirit of God created all that exists, having pre-existed. How? He spoke. He used words, combined with faith. Ans so must we, when our spirits become one with His spirit, the very one who created our flesh. We, by faith, may also create flesh. This is how healings occur, whether spoken in real time or in the prayer closet, words precede healing. "Rise, take up thy bed and walk". "Silver and gold have I none (now there's a condition today's prosperity teachers must puzzle over) but such as I have give I thee". The early New Testament believers didn't need money, what they needed was words of Faith - "Go, dip in the pool, river," etc.
   When these words of Faith enter the spirit of whoever hears them, whoever is sick and take root there, the end result is that their flesh must submit to and obey the will of God, who wants us to prosper and be whole and healthy in every part of our beings - spirit first, then soul, then body. So, again, it all comes back to the Holy Spirit. Apart from Him we can do nothing. He is our source of Eternal Life, Faith and every good thing we can ever know. He is our source of truth, he reveals Jesus to us who is Truth Eternal...Selah...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...