Thursday, September 24, 2015

Time and Eternity are actually one and the same....time exists within Eternity but Eternity also exists within Time...Think about it....Time is Eternal...It truly cannot be measured. If you take a second and half it, you have half a second: half that and you have a quarter of a second. Half that and you have an eighth of a second, then 1/16th, then 1/32nd, then 1/64th and so on and so on, forever. So by this reasoning, time does not exist except as a place for death to exist....because, in God's mercy, he allowed death to enter into our lives as a result of our sins in TIME....because if it happened in Eternity, our deaths would then be Eternal, our sins would be Eternal and He could not then have saved us....
We are all already dwelling in Eternity. Time is a temporary condition of our lives, instituted so we could pause in the midst of Eternity and understand and comprehend our sinful condition and realize what a magnificent Saviour we have in Jesus, what a wonderful God, that He would step out of Eternity and into the confines of TIME, just so He could save us and be with us in Eternity again.
Time exists so our sins could be encapsulated, kept separate from the rest of Eternity. In this sense, TIme is a bubble, a tiny bubble in the midst of a vast ocean, that is destined to pop. This is a reality our hearts have always known - we are Eternal beings, like it or not, our immortaltiy is not in question. The only question is, when we reenter Eternity, where will we spend it...with Him (God) or apart from Him?
Just as Satan was with Him, then apart from Him, by his own will, his own choice, so are we. We were in Him before we were born as mortals, then our sins (rebellion) separated us from Him, now we must surrender our will to Him (not my will but yours be done, Father) in order to be reunited with Him again, by Divine invitation only, RSVP, written with the blood of Jesus.
Satan rebelled in Eternity, in full view of all created beings, therefore all created beings had to confront the choice - choose self or God? Choose to exalt self over God, like Satan, or submit to God, like Jesus. This is the great decision of our lives and it is decided in the heart, not the mind. Love the Lord youir God with all your heart, first, then your mind. If we only approach God with our minds and not our hearts we end up with religion.
So remember, you are Eternal and always will be. You cannot die, though you may wish to later on. The only part of you that ages is your flesh. Your spirit and soul cannot die. Choose you this day whom you shall serve - God or self? Will you live to love your self, your oh so brief life, your tiny bubble in the vast ocean of Eternity, or will you choose to serve and love Him, the one who created you (and indeed Eternity)? Your choice will be known by all on the "Day of Judgment", the last day any of us will ever know and experience, the last bubble to pop, the final "Day" of our mortal lives, after which we will live forever, either with Him in Paradise or apart from Him in the lake of fire, where all sin and rebellion end up.
When Satan rebelled, one third of the angels joined him. Unfortunately, far more than that percentage of humans have decided to join him. Why? Because if there's any creature God created more glorious than Satan (was), than it is mankind, for we are created in His (God's) image. Not even Satan can say that. When we see ourselves, we are seeing the glory of God and the tempation is to worship our selves, just as Satan does. This is one reason movies and TV shows are so popular along with music and radio...we never tire of looking at and hearing ourselves. So few desire to look upon and hear God. In most churches one can see and hear a man's image and voice but not God's. He is available for us to see and hear, to touch and be touched by but most of us will not. Like the Israelites we run and hide. Like Adam and Eve we want a fig leaf, anything, to come between us and God. We want our Moses to deal with God and let us know what He said....
When many pray, it's not a dialogue, it's a one way street, with no real connection, just a mental hope that God might hear but no real faith (which comes from the heart, where the Holy Spirit dwells in man). For many, "God" is a mental construct taught in church but never really believed. "Lord I believe, help Thou my unbelief" should be the prayer of many. Amen. Selah.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...