Wednesday, October 28, 2015

If you’re waiting for His permission
To go and fulfil the great commission
Wait no longer, friend, go ahead and start fishin’
Use your life as bait
Oh I can hardly wait
For the Church to fulfil
The cry of Christ’s heart
For the redeemed to lay down our lives
And start reaching and touching the lost
At any price, at any cost
Oh He longs to make them whole
Oh He longs for them to know
Oh His Eternal goal
Is to write their names upon the Roll
On the list that names every soul
That is purchased by the Blood of The Lamb
Rise up Church and take a stand
Make every effort to get with God’s plan
To take back the land
To win back the souls of men

Yes, there’s a God in Heaven
Who weeps and cries
His love for them is so great
Please let them realize
He is life, everlasting
With prayers and with fastings
We’ll do whatever it takes
To reach them before it’s too late…

Friday, October 23, 2015

The older I get the younger I think,
swishin' my feet through\ the fallen leaves,
takin' my time to enjoy the breeze,
thinkin' like a child's alright with me.

Latter years are a gift of a second childhood
and I'm beginning to realize that's not bad but good.
Life becomes simpler, my perspective changes,
some call it wisdom, I call it Life's wages.

For if you live long enough
you'll realize eventually
each day is precious
full of moments of beauty
the trick is to open the eyes of your heart
and see.

Take time to notice
what everyone but children pass by -
a butterfly
a ray of sunshine
the wonder of a world
full of God;s heart and mind....

the beauty of simplicity
the simplicity of beauty
and creativity....

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The God I Know

She'd been a prostitute in her former life
The one she led before she met Christ
She came to him with no one to blame
"My daughter" he said, "I'll take all of your shame"
"To me, I see you as clean and brand new
pure as a virgin, through and through
Now come my child, rise and serve Me"
and she accepted his invitation, joyfully.
So she went to her pastor, her church, her denomination
with her heart full of joy and celebration
Till they told her you're not worthy to serve the Lord our God
because you were a prostitute, you'll forever be at odds
Only those of us we deem worthy -
who have always been in our eyes Holy,
may serve the God of Eternity
With her heart broken by man once again
She felt abandoned and forsaken
Oh my sister when He calls you - rise up and go!
For the God they serve is not the God I know

When Timothy met God he couldn't help but reveal
To all he met the joy he could not conceal
He was an evangelist from the start
for God had mightily touched his heart
and all who met him soon knew God is real
But as he went to his elders for their approval and commendation
all he got from them was condemntion
You're too young, too inexperienced, 
too uneducated, rebellious and headstrong
You must submit to us or you'll get it all wrong
They quenced his zeal, stopped up his flow
made him sit on a pew, wouldn't let him go
For all you Timothy's out there
don't let them steal your share
of the Glory and Grace God on you bestows
for if there's one thing I do know
The God they serve is not the God I know

They drive more people to Hell then they save
through their godless, religious ways
They don't enter in and prevent others too
flee from their midst or they'll ensnare you
in their cage of religion and throw away the key
and then you'll never know your God granted destiny
the leadership God uses to place you under his care
will always with you God's mind and heart share
They'll serve you - not lord it over you
of this you can be sure
their love for you will be Holy and pure
With one motivation guiding their hearts
to present you to God a pure and mature bride
and for you they'll lay down their lives
As a father would for his son or daughter
that with you they may please our heavenly Father
Equipping you     to go and do
all He's called you to
They'll bear his fruit
they'll reap and sow
for they are sent
by the God I know...

Friday, October 16, 2015

Imagine yourself hanging from a cliff - your arms and shoulders just over the edge, the rest of your body dangling down. You try with all your might to pull yourself up but you just can't, the strength isn't there. Slowly, you feel yourself slipping inexorably down - you panic, your hands sweat, and you slip a bit further - your feet scramble for a foothold, desperately, but there is none.

Now imagine you are dangling over Hell. You hear the tormented cries of the damned. You smell the stench. You feel the heat. Your strength continues to wane. You just can't hold on, your muscles ache. You begin to shake with the strain. Then the inevitable moment comes and you slip over the edge but as you do, a strong hand reaches out, firmly grasping you and yanking you to solid ground. You notice the hand has a scar on it. You notice the strength of the arm that's delivered you. You lie on you back, sobbing, and look  up into his face; the face of your saviour. He is so beautiful it takes your breath away - so beautiful you forget the Hell you were so close to moments ago. Now you cry tears of joy. His face is full of love and compassion and mercy. As glad as you are to be rescued - he is just as glad to have rescued you.

The cliff is your brief mortal life. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, you will age, you will grow weaker and weaker till you can't hold out and you will breathe your final breath. At that moment you will slip into Hell or strong arms will lift you into Heaven. The choice is yours. He wants to save you, he's done all he can to save you, yet you must accept his help, you must open your heart to him, you must not rely on your own strength or wisdom or any other philosophy or source for strength and deliverance. Only Jesus can save you. He is the only one appointed by the Father to do so. He is the only one who has the authority and strength to do it. Only his blood can wash away the filth of your sin. Only he can rescue you from Hell, from an eternity without him. Choose wisely...

Monday, October 12, 2015

I've arrived at the conclusion that our lives are designed by God to correspond with the four seasons. From birth to 20 is the Spring of our lives...from 21 to 40 is the Summer....from 41 to 60 the Fall and from 61 to 80 the Winter. So i am now in the Autumn of my so happens Fall is my favorite time of year and in life, i am having the time of my life. I have enjoyed my years from 40 till now more than any others. Just like Winter, when we reach that stage of life, we slow down...well, everyone but my Aunt Fran that is....and in the Winter stage, death, whatever stage of life you are in, enjoy it! Remember - "Life shrinks or expands in direct proportion to one's courage".

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Words are the tools, the weapons in our arsenal, if you will. God uses them and so does satan. If satan (or one of his emmisary's) is in you, he speaks to your spirit directly, if he is outside of you he uses people or demons to speak to you. It's up to you to believe him or not. He used words to tempt Eve and he's been doing the same ever since.
Words are so powerful. By them God created all that exists (except us, he used his hands to create us). By them, satan destroys all God holds dear and by them we can all be restored to right standing with God. Really, these words I'm writing now and every word I'll speak or write from womb to tomb is Eternal, that is, known by God in Eternity. This is pre-destination. God simply knows you, intimately knows you, whether you know him or not.
Do not recieve with your heart anything satan says. How can you discern satan's voice from God's? By reading and ingesting God's words written in the Bible. They are a small, small portion of all he's spoken but think about this - out of all he's ever spoken or thought, they are the ones he chose to write down for us, so how important must they be for us? Extremely! By them we learn what his words sound like and what his will is. How he thinks and feels about every subject imaginable.
So when satan speaks, disguised as an angel of light, we know it is him, not Jesus because it doesn't line up with God's written words. If a thought tries to get you to question God's word to you "Has God said?" "You shall not surely die", then you know it's author, don't you? I am only saying never question what the Holy Spirit has taught you, not what you've been taught in Church, by the way.
Crucify the words of satan in you while letting the words of God ressurect your soul unto everlasting life. What came to Abraham? The Word of the Lord.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

When you turn your face to the sunlight, it blinds you, you can't see anything else but it's light. In the same way, if you turn your eyes to Jesus and gaze steadily at Him, you become blinded to the sinful, fleshly temptations in your can't lust with your eyes if they can't see anything but the light of the Son. So keep your focus on Jesus....daily fill your sight with His wonderful word....let His Spirit guide you and keep you from all temptation and so overwhelmed by Him that nothing of this world can overwhelm you, nothing of your flesh can drag you down....simply don't pay attention to fleshly lusts and so consumed with the wonder of Him and all that is of Him that nothing else, daily and in the end, matters....

Thursday, October 1, 2015

     The reason so many do not want to hear God's words, even one single scripture, is because they know deep in their spirits His Word is pure truth and they've rejected Him and chosen the lie, in whatever form it takes - "God doesn't exist", "I can live without Him", "I don't need Him", etc. So if Tim Tebow puts John 3:16 on his face they freak out. If God is mentioned in the pledge of allegiance they freak out because they don't want to be reminded of who they really are - wayward, lost sons and daughters of God.
     Homosexuals, many of them, wish to be known as the children of God. Well, they are, we all are. The problem is, we all become Satan's spawn, adopted by him, when we choose to willfully sin and until we choose to, by our will, submit to our heavenly Father again, not our hellish one, we are no longer God's children but Satan's. So no matter how often a homosexual goes to church (or an adulterer or fornicator) and says the name of Jesus, and prays and sings, his true god is Satan not Jehovah.
     So on the Day of Judgment he will hear "depart from me I never knew you". But the homosexual will answer, along with all who chose not God's love, "I went to church faithfully, I tithed, I gave to the poor, I prophesied in your name, blah, blah, blah, at that point, words from an unclean heart won't matter at all before the Judge of every human heart. Goats to the left, Sheep to the right, and never again shall they meet.
     It's a chilling thought but remember, while there is still breath in you, you may choose to submit your heart and will and body to Christ, as the thief on the cross did. Which thief are you? The one who was sorry he stole God's most precious possession, his very own heart? Or the one who mocked and despised Jesus, along with the rest of humanity; from Adam to the last soul born on earth?
     "Father create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me".

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...