Thursday, October 1, 2015

     The reason so many do not want to hear God's words, even one single scripture, is because they know deep in their spirits His Word is pure truth and they've rejected Him and chosen the lie, in whatever form it takes - "God doesn't exist", "I can live without Him", "I don't need Him", etc. So if Tim Tebow puts John 3:16 on his face they freak out. If God is mentioned in the pledge of allegiance they freak out because they don't want to be reminded of who they really are - wayward, lost sons and daughters of God.
     Homosexuals, many of them, wish to be known as the children of God. Well, they are, we all are. The problem is, we all become Satan's spawn, adopted by him, when we choose to willfully sin and until we choose to, by our will, submit to our heavenly Father again, not our hellish one, we are no longer God's children but Satan's. So no matter how often a homosexual goes to church (or an adulterer or fornicator) and says the name of Jesus, and prays and sings, his true god is Satan not Jehovah.
     So on the Day of Judgment he will hear "depart from me I never knew you". But the homosexual will answer, along with all who chose not God's love, "I went to church faithfully, I tithed, I gave to the poor, I prophesied in your name, blah, blah, blah, at that point, words from an unclean heart won't matter at all before the Judge of every human heart. Goats to the left, Sheep to the right, and never again shall they meet.
     It's a chilling thought but remember, while there is still breath in you, you may choose to submit your heart and will and body to Christ, as the thief on the cross did. Which thief are you? The one who was sorry he stole God's most precious possession, his very own heart? Or the one who mocked and despised Jesus, along with the rest of humanity; from Adam to the last soul born on earth?
     "Father create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me".

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...