Sunday, December 6, 2015

The greatest thing Satan loaths and fears is a human heart fully in love with and connected to the Father, as his heart once was. He despises true saints - Jesus' bride, for we've taken his place in Heaven. When he sees us, especially when he sees and hears us worshipping, he sees what he lost and he sees the Father again (boy, he looks just like you! The family resemblence is uncanny!)
He hates the Father, therefore he hates us. So flee religion, flee Babylon and don't look back (remember Lot's wife).

When the Holy Spirit is the one we are following and submitted to, the fruit of it, the sign, will always be the Father's presence, the Father's will being done and the Father being honored and glorified. Jesus said it - "Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name". We must not exalt fleshly, earthly fathers or men over our Heavenly Father or spiritual Father for this is what religion seeks to do - exalt men while debasing God. Religion puts a man or men in charge and exalts them above due measure. The very desire to be in charge, to be lifted up above our fellow man is satanic - this was his very desire in heaven now expressed through men on earth, in earth - to be above everyone else. Shed your hearts of this desire, leadership, for it will destroy us, our ministry, for our ministry is to be like Christ, the exact opposite of Satan, who became a servant of all. Let this same mind be in you. Why else did he wash their feet? Wanting to keep being the boss comes from the flesh, not from God. If we are following Jesus we will want to be the servant of all not the Lord.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...