Tuesday, December 15, 2015

How I want to be remembered
is not how I am.
Oh how I wish I was
a much better man.
Sure I have my pluses,
things I'm proud I've done
but I've far too much baggage,
regrets far more than none.
So I offer my remaining years
as penance for the many tears
I've caused to flow.
My stubborn pride has brought me low,
yet just as stubbornly I cling to hope.
If you're a young man reading this -
avoid the mistakes that quench the bliss.
Humble yourself or someone else will.
Apologize often. Stay calm, be still.
Slow down, think before you speak.
Peace is the prize you should always seek.
Don't let your pride stand in the way
of the healing God is sending you today.
Keep your focus where it should be -
on our Father both Righteous and Holy.
Let His Spirit take the reins of your heart.
Receive the wisdom He longs to impart.
With God as your guide, you won't miss the mark.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...