Friday, February 5, 2016

I know that long ago when God first breathed  into Adam's nostrils
He exhaled.
And Adam, the first man, came alive.
And one day, God will inhale and the last man will die....

Every breath we breathe,
from Adam to the last man living,
is actually, God's breath.
He's loaned us each heart beat we possess.
How we use them is up to us, 
but don't think for a minute He doesn't notice
how His breath is being used -
to power a heart that loves Him or hates Truth?
God created our souls.
Don't you think He knows
where you'll one day go?
Your body, everything you are, 
is all on loan from God.
What will you do when the lease expires?
You can't buy your next breath.
You can't buy your own soul.
The only price God will accept
is Jesus' blood that flowed.......

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...