Sunday, September 25, 2016

Satan spoke to me this morning and he said "How could you follow someone who let me cause Job so much suffering?"
I say - 
Satan I rebuke you - get behind me
From my voice you will flee
For over you I have authority
So do not continue to speak to me
Everything you say is a lie
To twist and pervert you try
You may quote God's word yet
But it's always to misinterpret
It's never for our good we musn't forget
You try to foment unrest and rebellion
I resist you, you lying hellion
With my Jesus I'm completely satisfied
You won't get me to despise him though you've tried and tried and tried
You've been totally beaten
You're far under my feet and
The dust of the earth is what you're eatin'
I won't receive anything you say
Your destiny is Hell and that's where you'll stay...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...