Friday, December 9, 2016

March winds blow idly across the manicured landscape of a forgotten city.
A businessman pauses near a homeless beggar trying to decide whether to extend disdain or pity.
In the distance a dog barks plaintively.
Hearts disconnected will soon die of lack of intimacy.
Once we love only ourselves,
we're on a path to Hell. 
Once we can't obey God's prompting to
love someone we're not wanting to -
We're wasting our days with our selfish ways.
Love chooses indiscriminately
and love responds to needs,
and love's eyes are open wide.
Love sees;
Who we contact each and every day
provides love with many opportunities.
When you leave someone's presence,
think -     did I love them?
Is God pleased?

The beggar looks the businessman in the eye
saying without speaking -         why?
The businessman's thoughts have already moved on 
to where should I eat dinner tonight and who should I invite along?

At church that Sunday he raises
his voice in praise
for the wealth he's been given
by God's amazing grace...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...