Thursday, August 31, 2017

A friend just sent me a text.
"Hi Chris, so the Texas situation. Why do you think it's happening in a presumably God fearing state that is Conservative?" As you may or may not know, a severe storm, one of the worst to ever hit Houston, just happened a few days ago.
Immediately, within minutes, this was the response God gave me -

"It is God's judgment on Religious, dead Christianity in America. "Houston" literally means "Hugh's town". Hugh means "mind, intellect". Religious Christianity, i.e. the Denominationalism, America's favorite form of Christianity, leads people into an intellectual relationship with God, not a heart relationship, which God despises. They constantly fill their minds, week after week, with knowledge about God but rarely meeting with God for they are still eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not from the Tree of Life. This storm was a prophetic sign to America to flee Babylon and turn their hearts to him, not just their minds. Prayers prayed from the mind alone, without the heart praying also, will have no effect...

I might add, prayers prayed from a mind that acknowledges God, but with a heart that does not fellowship with him, will avail nothing. Also, the name of the storm that struck Houston was "Harvey", meaning "Eager for battle"...Yes God is going to war against religious Christianity, all who abuse and misuse his name, who oppose him yet purport to be his people - intellectual Christianity will fall, like the wall of Jericho, from around human hearts, setting them free to engage God heart to heart, not just mind to mind. The heart always comes first. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart....then mind and soul and strength.....selah.
Jesus saw the suffering
with his own two eyes....
When he left his throne
to be born among mankind.
Son of God became Son of Man
as he walked throughout the land.
He saw great suffering caused by sin
on this earth we call home
but he knew no sin except our own..

Yes, the only sin Jesus ever knew
was the sin committed by me and you.
Pure and clean, He became our offering
that he might rescue us and one day bring us home.
When Jesus gazed upon
the crowd gathered at the foot of the Cross
he was gazing upon the lost.
When Jesus saw those who
crucified him he knew
he was gazing at me and you
and he took pity and said
"Father forgive them for they know not what they do"
Give them life for death
Love for hate
Rescue them from a horrible fate
Don't let them continue to be
apart from you and me....

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Contract: Think for self...what do I get out of it?
Covenant: Think for another....what can I give to the other?

Contract: Exalts self
Covenant: Humbles self

Satan's contract: SIN - Severing Intimacy Now...result, we hide from God.
God's Covenant: Holiness...restores intimacy (INTO ME SEE?). We turn to God, not away.

Fruit of sin...Eternal death.
Fruit of Covenant....Eternal life.

Contract: My will....Is:14
Covenant: Father's will...John 1:13, 6:38, Luke 22:42

Contract: Shallow - can be easily broken...
Blood Covenant: Much deeper - Mt: 26:28...cannot be broken easily...


Thursday, August 24, 2017

The fresh, salty air brought to me
by this island's sea breeze
causes my lungs to swell with joy
for God's pure air
is so much better than
the polluted air of man.

Just as grass is so much better than cement
I know that for which man is meant
is so much more
so much better
than that which is made without God's consent.

Unless the Lord builds the house
they that labor, labor in vain.
Unless we are beautifying His spouse
He will look on us with disdain.
So many build without following His plan -
so many look to, not Him, but the ways of man...

It's easier to follow flesh
though that path leads to death.
It's much harder       day by day
to follow the narrow way.....


Monday, August 21, 2017

I see beauty
                           in the sunlight
caught by the crashing surf
And I see beauty
                           in the Son's light
caught by the crashing waves
of His Spirit
                       flowing in souls
given to Him so completely
our identity
                       is found in Him forever.....

I want to be in the River
of the Holy Spirit's flow
And I want the River in me
cleansing and removing
all my debris
sweeping me along
till I'm powerless to resist
His call       His song
Deep calls and sings unto deep
but do the depths         in me
answer His call?

                                    Destroy this wall...

Monday, August 14, 2017

What a precious, beautiful thing you did!
You didn't just save us -
       You gave us each other to love,
              You put us in a Body,
So the lonely, the orphans, the widows,
the broken,
                      all have somebody to love
and love them in return.
No one who knows you,
should ever feel unloved, it's true,
We are a family,
Not a religious organization.
Being with you is an Eternal celebration
of our fellowship with you
which comes by fellowshipping with one another,
every sister, every brother,
world without end,

Monday, August 7, 2017

and now,  knowing the time,
keep, my brethren, this in mind -
It is high time to awake out of sleep
for deep will not always call out to deep
For now is our Salvation
nearer than when we first believed
Now is when that which is in you fully conceived
The night is far spent
The Day is at hand
when we must give account
for what we do and do not understand
Cast off the works of darkness
Put on the armour of light
Remain humble, meek, contrite,
that you may see
along with me
The most glorious sight -
The Lord returning in the clouds
dressed in white
ready to banish the darkness
to that eternal night
where weeping and gnashing of teeth
are destined never to cease
while every tear in our eyes
by the Lord himself will be wiped dry
Where the rest and refreshing of our souls
will never cease to flow
For the God we love and know
will deliver us unto His bosom
where I desire to rest my head
content to be near the One who bled
and died for me
that I may be
alive and near Him for Eternity
forever free
of sin and death and strife -
My Lord has loved me back to life. ..

 When you read my writings you're reading the revelations God has shown me, meat i hope, for your hungry heart and soul, but not the mai...