Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Did you know one of the coolest things about the Lord is that when you join with him you can be totally wild at heart and yet without sin? You can completely let loose and abandon yourself to the passion rising up from deep in your soul - shout, shout out loud! Dance naked (David did). Give that moment - that single joyous moment, when you've reached that mountain's peak, or swam with dolphins, or watched a glorious sunrise over Mount Kilimanjaro - your full attention. Dance in the rain, shake all bonds and live free - free to be wild at heart - just like God! Who created that mountain? Who painted that sunrise for you to enjoy? Who walked on water in the midst of a raging storm? Who made the thunder and the lightning? Who parted the Red Sea, raises the dead, threw down the walls of Jericho, made the sun stand still, rides a white horse, appears as a burning bush? Our God - that's who! He's wild at heart, full of passion - and he wants us to be too! He infuses all He creates with passion - especially us, who are made in his image, his likeness! He'll wrestle with us all night! He wants to see us grab ahold of Him and not let go till we receive our blessing! He wants to impregnate us with the Holy Spirit - to birth passion and purpose within us, to make our souls come alive. He came to give us life - and that more, oh much more abundantly! Greater works (miracles) than these, than the ones Jesus did, shall you do! Get out and live! Get out of the four walls of your church! Live wildly for him, people! Or stay in your pews and die.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...