Thursday, December 14, 2017

       In Babylon, success is measured by how much you possess - how much money, how many material possessions, how much land, etc. Churches under this spirit constantly measure themselves by how many people attend, how much money they make, all proven by having the biggest building, nicest place to meet for the largest amount of people.
       In God's kingdom, the complete opposite is true - success isn't measured by how much is gained for yourself but rather by how much self is given away - by loving one another. Under Christ's reign, love is the hallmark of a successful life. Judging ourselves by Babylon's standards is a huge mistake.
       1 Cor:15:31&36 speak of dying daily, but how? Physically? Of course not. How about dying to self? How about dethroning self off the throne of our hearts? You see, all sin is ultimately selfish, the result of focusing on one's self. Jesus taught us (by his words and deeds) not to even think of what we will wear or eat. He taught us to lay down our lives and die to our outer shell (our flesh) that the true life within us might bloom and live (John 12:24). If we lay our flesh at his feet in adoration, emulation and worship, then he can use us for his glory (Mt:10:39). His flesh was anointed by the woman with the expensive perfume for it was the only righteous flesh ever since Adam fell. Constantly, throughout scripture, he exhorts us to give, give, give - not get, get, get. He told the rich, young ruler to sell all he had and give away the proceeds, alas, he could not. Could you? Indeed, we are all "rich young rulers" in that we possess our souls, which are priceless. But can you give your soul away? To God, to be used for his glory? How much of your life is focused on getting and keeping possessions? Those who sold their land and homes and laid the money at the feet of the Apostles were truly free from Babylon - from the exaltation and worship of self. Though it is still possible to give sacrificially for selfish reasons - to impress God or people for instance, with how good we are. Our motivation should be always out of a sincere love for God and people he puts in our lives to love. Not for attention and glory for ourselves. Think about this - those who gave all, land and homes, to the Apostles, just thirty years later the Romans came and took the Judean's land and homes by force. How prescient and wise to sell them ahead of time and use the money for God's purposes, which are to love one another, for the Apostles took the money and rather than spend even a tiny part of it on themselves, redistributed it to the poor and needy among them, orphans and widows, people unable to care for themselves. Proverbs 11:4&28, 22:1&2, 28:11, 23:23, Luke 6:24, 13:7...
       True wisdom is not how to get and keep worldly wealth but rather is in how to maintain a soul that is pleasing to God. Mt:16:26 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...