Sunday, February 25, 2018

You don't normally see what you're not looking for. For example, birds. People who enjoy bird watching, who intentionally look for them, see them everywhere. They seek them and they find them. Another example is cars. I tend to not pay much attention to other cars until I'm driving one - then suddenly I see the make and model I'm driving everywhere!
It's the same with our God. Unless you set your mind to focus your attention on Him, unless you look for Him in the everyday, mundane minutia of life - you won't see Him. But if you keep your heart focused on Him as you go about the daily business of living - you'll see Him everywhere! All the time! You'll notice tiny miracles you didn't see before, like, as I was thinking of this essay, I came across a truck filled with pillows and bedding supplies and a man from our school where I teach and live gave me two pillows and a bedspread - just what I needed and had asked the Lord for a few days earlier. Father really does love to walk and talk with us, just like he did with Adam in the cool of the evening, in the garden of Eden (so Adam, how was your day? Fine, Lord, thanks for asking. OOOH! Let me tell you about this new animal I found! I think I'm gonna name him__________, what do you think? That's fine, Adam, it's a fine name).
I was walking along recently when it started to rain. I mean really pour - and me without an umbrella! Immediately, a man walks up to me and says "Sir, would you like an umbrella?", hands me an umbrella and speeds off before I can even reply. As if he knew the answer before he asked. How often, I wonder, have we encountered angels unawares?
Furthermore, God doesn't just walk with us in the lush, beautiful garden moments of our lives - he walks with us in our desert crossings too - when things seem bleak and dark and we begin to weaken and despair. He will escort us to our next oasis, he never leaves us or forsakes us (physically or spiritually).
As he joins us each day on our daily excursions, he will bless us with miracles both small and large but never forget the greatest miracle of all, the only one that really matter ultimately - His presence! Yes, ranking right up there with the Name of Jesus is the name of Emmanuel! (God with us). For the very reason he saved us was so we could be reunited with him, now and forever more. Salvation is pointless if you are born-again, then ignore him the rest of your days, only turning to Him when you need something from Him.
See him in that flower you just passed - yes that one, growing through a crack in the concrete, shouting to you "Hey. I'm still here! In the midst of all man has made, I can still be found!" Let him show you a spectacular sunset (sunrises and sunsets are special moments set aside by God for meeting with him), seemingly hand painted by God especially for you. Pull your car over and enjoy it with him and tell him what a lovely God he is and how talented and creative he is, how his glory is never-ending and unique and in this, your worship is consecrated in the halls of heaven as much as any church building. Go on a date with him, walk among the stars on a darkened beach and watch him dazzle you with a shooting star or two (or three). Don't wait to get to heaven to fellowship with him, enjoy his company now, when you can stockpile testimony after testimony in your heart, to be recited later in Glory, of how you trusted him completely and sought him every day with all your heart, even while walking through this world full of stinking flesh. Set your heart on things above and you will see him on earth below and your's will be a heart he will value and treasure forever. Selah,

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...