Thursday, March 1, 2018

Let's take a step back. No, a bigger step, thanks. Let's take a look at the big picture (one of my favorite Michael W. Smith albums by the way). Satan normally does not like to reveal himself. He lives to stay in the shadows, pulling the strings of his puppets, influencing from a place of darkness. He doesn't crave the limelight, usually. Until.......he's ready to take the world stage as the Anti-Christ, the complete opposite of the real Christ, Jesus.
Now hear me - the Anti-Christ will not declare himself to be so. No, he will declare himself to be the Christ, or at least to be of Christ - the world's salvation, sent from God. All world religions will embrace him, including Christianity, for he is the father of them all. For religious Christians, he will appeal to their false sense of what is right and what is wrong, and logically, his lies will make perfect sense. Is it not a good thing for all religions to get along in perfect peace and harmony with one another? Instead of dividing us, religion should unite us! Doesn't God love everybody? Homosexuals, adulterers, murderers, liars and thieves - they're all welcome in Satan's kingdom, just like they are in God's, only in his kingdom sinners do not need to repent. Rather, their sin is something to be proud of, to celebrate, to march openly in the streets and shout to the world "I'm a sinner!" (well, they don't believe their sin is sin at all).
This blatant, public showing of Satan's fruit, of his followers, is a sign of the times. The fact that, politically, those on the left are becoming more and more  obvious about what spirit they are of - the fact that demonic fruit is ripening at just this point in our nation's (USA) history to where it is extremely obvious Satan is stirring the pot, riling up people, getting them angrier and angrier because his (false) ideals aren't being embraced by the right (my God! They elected Trump!) - all this leads me to conclude his (satan's) appearance on the world stage in physical form (in emulation of Jesus), is eminent.
I believe he will make things so bad that the world will breathe a huge sigh of relief when he steps in to bring so called "peace". His strategy is to start a fire then offer to put it out. He will present himself as a man of peace but the only peace Satan will promote is abject, total surrender to himself and his agendas.
As the world joyfully embraces him, he will begin to systematically wipe out, imprison and destroy all who oppose him. Those he uses to murder Christians will believe they are doing God a favor. Which they are, only not the God of love, rather the god of hate, the god this world chooses to follow and obey. How can they tell who is a follower of Christ and who follows the Anti-Christ? Simple - look for his mark - which is necessary for buying and selling. Yes, you cannot do business in Satan's kingdom (Babylon) without money, whereas in God's kingdom all you need is love. But before anyone accepts the mark in their body, they will have first accepted Satan's mark in their souls, which is hatred for their brethren, exalting of self and greed, all rooted in pride. Saints, are you ready? Someday we may look back on the days of Trump with great fondness and great sadness that they are gone. Let's pray that he isn't assassinated while in office. Remember, the blessings Trump is bringing to America are not so we can fulfill the "American dream", of having a comfortable life, physically, but rather that we can fulfill "God's dream" that we will be spiritually prepared to be his bride forever, fully intimate with him and desiring spiritual blessings, not natural ones. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...