Friday, March 30, 2018

Now to answer the question posed in last weeks blog - Is it possible for a man to change from one type of heart soil to another? Thinking of my own heart, I desperately need to know! Can we switch from one of the first three to the fourth, the good heart, with good soil? Can we dramatically improve our heart's condition? I cried out to the Lord and He immediately answered me by reminding me of Jeremiah 4:3 - "Break up your fallow ground and sow not among thorns" sound familiar? So that we know he is speaking of our hearts, just like in the parable of the Sower, spoken centuries later, verse 4 says "circumcise yourselves to the Lord and take away the foreskins of your heart" - signifying that the law could only deal with the flesh - while all along God is wanting our hearts.
"Fallow" refers to "land plowed and left unseeded for a season or more; i.e. land not in use. This speaks of a heart that hasn't received seed, or His word, for awhile - a heart not in use by the Lord! He next spoke to me of "Hand to the plow" - "No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God". What is being plowed? Our hearts! What does plowing do to a field of soil? It is used to "break up soil, to bury crop residues and to help control weeds". This refers to us allowing our hearts to become broken - in fact breaking our own hearts, that we become soft and pliable - our hearts become soil he can plant his seed in, and in which his fruit can grow to maturity - "And I will give them one heart (my own) and I will put a new spirit within you (my spirit) and I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and will give you a heart of flesh" (Ez:11:19). Indeed, our hearts become a home for Him to claim "I will come into him and I will sup with him and he with me". We must, (I must), like the farmer, continually allow our hearts to be plowed throughout our lives. Just as bad soil can be redeemed with enough care and attention, so can good soil turn bad with enough lack of care and attention. If not plowed enough, weeds and thorns can take root rather than getting uprooted by our heart's chief gardener - The Holy Spirit. Trust him with your heart, for he has nothing but love and concern in his heart for you. Good news, yes? We can change! It's never too late! Who knows what the condition of the thief's heart was before the fateful day he had the good fortune to be crucified with Christ but on that day his heart received the Word of the Lord  gladly - a word we all hope to hear on the day we die - "Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise". Selah. 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sometimes temptations are like a hot stove, the electric kind. After it's been turned off the warning light stays on for quite awhile. Even though that temptation in your life has been "turned off", it's still dangerous. Don't go near it - till it no longer temps you, till it's completely cold to you, till you're dead to it.

I asked the Lord a question today. Is it possible for a man to change the soil of his heart? Jesus said in his famous parable of the sower (MT:13) that every human heart that receives his word is made up of one of four types of soil. Unfortunately, three of the four types are not good enough, not healthy enough to bear fruit (interestingly, the earth is covered in roughly 75 percent salt water, to 25 percent fresh).
For some, they hear the Word but do not understand it (the Word taught without the anointing to teach can have this effect - the blind teaching the blind, teaching man's wisdom, not God's). The wicked one catches the seed sown into this type of heart, he steals it and sows his lies instead.
For others, their heart's soil is too stony, so that though they receive the Word initially with joy, it cannot take root - when tribulation or persecution comes because of the Word of God, they become offended. Notice - Jesus says when tribulation or persecutions come, not if - this is the surest sign you are bearing Christ within you to the world without you - they will hate you, disown you, disrespect you, despise and slander you and in some places, kill you physically, not just murder you in their hearts.
The third type of human heart is so full of thorns that the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches chokes the Word and they become barren, unfruitful, like a womb without a child. Oh how often are our American churches (and all those who emulate them - Nigeria, are you listening?) filled with Pastors consumed with the pursuit of worldly riches, leading their flocks down this path as well, supposing that "gain is godliness" never teaching or understanding that "godliness with contentment is great gain". My people, be content with being godly. Let heavenly wealth satisfy your soul - the fruit of the Spirit, the Righteousness of Christ, the gifts of the Spirit, knowing God. Your earthly possessions mean little in light of Eternity. The "prosperity teachers" are almost always referring to worldly wealth, though dozens of scriptures refute this type of teaching, they ignore them or twist them and others to suit their carnal lusts and desires. Some scriptures clearly rebuke this teaching, focusing on the deceitfulness of riches, warning over and over how difficult it is for the rich (in what this world values), to get into Heaven, yet still they seek to become rich in worldly possessions and money.
Only one type of heart is good soil - he that hears the Word and understands it! We cannot understand the Word apart from the Holy Spirit. "Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things which are freely given us of God, which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned." Remember this - the natural man seeks after natural things, while the spiritual man seeks after spiritual things. Those who spend their lives pursuing worldly wealth have no understanding of what God wants our hearts to desire - And without understanding we cannot bear him the fruit he desires - "The fruit of the righteous is a Tree of Life and he that winneth souls is wise". This verse ties together fruit and souls - the fruit he desires us most to bear is souls! The fruit of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, are all for the glory of winning, then keeping and maturing, souls. No other pursuit in this life is worthwhile. Notwithstanding, we must never neglect the pursuit of our own soul, the mating of our heart with his, The constant "winnowing of our soul", that he may "win our soul".
My next blog will answer the question I began this article with "can we change the soil of our heart? Stay tuned....

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Truth really is cooler than fiction! And the very same Spirit that abode with Jesus, lives with us now, too, if we'll receive him. Every miracle in the Bible that any man has ever done, including the man Jesus, can be done by you or I and "verily, verily, (in truth, really, indeed!) I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do". Wow! Read that again. I once asked him, what works did the disciples do that were greater than yours? He replied "my shadow never healed anyone". So, Jesus is giving us a blank check to perform, no, scratch that, too many ministries are performance oriented, let's say rather, to do greater miracles than he did, including some we've never heard of!
I think God is only limited by our own faith and imaginations. He did say "nothing shall be impossible unto you" (Mt:17:20) and "with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible" (Mt:19:26). You can't save yourselves, you can't get to heaven through your own wisdom and strength, but with God, you can, for with God, all things are possible (Mk:10:27). The Jews were accustomed to the Law of Moses, which must be kept through their own efforts - it was extremely difficult for them to let it go and accept God's New Testament, which showed them (and us) a better way - believe on him whom God sent. This believing cut into their pride in themselves (though the church has become just as proud of their believing as the Jews were of their works) and their over inflated egos, hey man, we are God's chosen people! Again, though, the churches are lifted up in the same pride the Jews walked in. Yet "for with God nothing shall be impossible" (Lk:1:37) and (1 Kings 18:27). Over and over again, because he knows how stubborn we are, how full of unbelief we can get, he tells us - NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME! BELIEVE THIS AND TOGETHER WE'LL DO THE IMPOSSIBLE! Think about it! An army of real life super-heroes, God's heroes, running around doing the impossible, doing good works, vanquishing, nay, extinguishing evil! Prophecy is a super power! Being able to look into the enemy's camp and see everything he's doing, everything he's planning! Being able to instantaneously heal the sick and wounded! Imagine being able to call fire down from heaven. The list goes on and on. When God sent a "man of God" to rebuke the wicked king Jeroboam, the king, having no humility (the kings of the old testament are a type of the pastors of today, some good, most wicked), ordered his men to "lay hold on him" but as soon as he did "his hand, which he put forth against him, dried up, so that he could not pull it in again to him" (1 Kings 13). When a pastor rebukes the prophetic and does not accept it in his life or his church, his authority dries up till he has no more kingdom authority. We should never point the finger at anyone, especially God's anointed.
An army like this would truly be invincible! Quit playing the game called "Church" and put on your armor and join the army God is raising up, of whom He says "neither shall one thrust another, they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded". "THE EARTH SHALL QUAKE BEFORE THEM, THE HEAVENS SHALL TREMBLE: THE SUN AND THE MOON SHALL BE DARK, AND THE STARS SHALL WITHDRAW THEIR SHINING: AND THE LORD SHALL UTTER HIS VOICE BEFORE HIS ARMY: FOR HIS CAMP IS VERY GREAT: FOR HE IS STRONG THAT EXECUTETH HIS WORD". Prepare, prepare to go, prepare for battle - but all the while build - build God's house made without hands while defending it at the same time "They which builded upon the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work and with the other hand held a weapon" (Neh:4:17). What a prophetic picture for the Body of Christ today! We need builders trained to do warfare and warriors trained to build. We need to build up God's kingdom while simultaneously tearing down the devil's! Think less, do more! Go and preach and demonstrate the Gospel of the Kingdom "a kingdom which cannot be moved". The next sick or crippled person you see, lay hands on them and heal them, declaring "the kingdom of God is at hand". May the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

My vision from the Lord when I was on the Sea of Galilee -
I saw the Lord walking across the water on the backs of a legion of angels. Their wings were spread wide, bowing before him. As it took my breath away he patiently explained to me - "first of all, I knew that it was not my destiny to drown in the sea of Galilee, for I knew my destiny was the Cross. So I knew my heavenly Father would do everything in his power to keep me from harm" (this is not to say we are to tempt the Lord by doing foolish things, but it is to say that if you have a word from God still unfulfilled, you can stand on that word and your faith will see you through any situation or circumstance - knowing full well God's word is sure. Peter walked on a word from the Lord, not on water per se. Jesus only went where the Father, by his spirit, led him. We do not attempt to walk on water until we hear him telling us to, then, literally, anything is possible). He showed me that day God's care and concern for us is total and complete, lacking nothing.
Talk about super powers! Imagine that you could teleport from place to place instantaneously like the X-Man Nightcrawler. The Holy Spirit can do that too! Who needs cars in the future millennial reign of Christ? "And when they were come up out of the water, the spirit of the Lord caught away Phillip, that the eunuch saw him no more". Super strength? That's in the Bible too. Think of the strength of Samson! Giants attacking? Not a problem! All you need is a tiny sling shot and a big God. Wisdom? Wisest man to ever live (until Jesus showed up) was Solomon. Now there's a lesson. See, Solomon, wisest man ever, fell into idolatry and lust because wisdom in and of itself is never enough - we need the source of all wisdom - Jesus himself, to keep us from falling
Now think about this - Jesus was a man, just like us in that he had no special powers or abilities until he was filled with the Holy Spirit without measure (Jn:3:34). There are no recorded miracles done by Jesus until after John bare record that he saw "the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him". This is one reason why his own brothers and sisters and those who grew up with him and knew him in his home town, had a hard time believing he was God's chosen Messiah. They only knew him after the flesh, not after the spirit. "Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James and Joses, and Simon and Judas? and his sisters, are they not all with us?" They're such a normal family! "Whence then hath this man all these things? And they were offended in him". People who do not have the Holy Spirit anointing will always be offended by those who have him - unless they're doing a miracle to benefit them, like the loaves and fishes. Even then, they will eventually take offense. "But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country and in his own house". Believe me, as a prophetic apostle, I've received very little honor in my own country and hometown - it wasn't till God sent me overseas that I was recognized and honored by people, not that I seek or need honor from men - from flesh, but that when men receive me, the receive him who sent me, likewise, when they reject me, they reject him who sent me. I grieve that they miss the blessing from Father that I bring them. I grieve that they are too blind in their own conceits to see who I am in Christ, missing completely the anointing I've received from God. "And he did not man mighty works there because of their unbelief". This is one of the saddest scriptures in all the Bible, along with Paul's testimony that "at my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me" II Tim:4:16. But those outside his own hometown and country received mighty miracles at his hand and by his word - he raised their dead, healed all their sick who came to him, cast out a legion of demons, walked on water (who needs to part the water when you can walk on it?), turned water into wine, passed through an angry mob intent on murdering him without a hair on his head being harmed. I mean, he would make the coolest comic book hero except for one fact - he's real and they're not!
       To be continued.....

Friday, March 9, 2018

Author's note: I wrote this last summer.

The new Spider man movie just came out and it got me thinking - what if you or i could have a spider-sense like him? His spider-sense warns him of impending danger. It has saved his life many times, along with his quick reflexes. Well - here is Biblical reality - the Holy Spirit is our very own super hero and he gives his power to us! Like Spidey's spider-sense, when he abides in us he warns us of impending danger! And he will warn us of future dangers (hell, for example). If we get on a wrong path, he tingles inside us - "This path leads to sin, and sins lead to death, and death separates us forever" (if we die in our sins). If we meet someone who is working for our enemy - he warns us that they are false, he reveals the "wolves in sheep's clothing" who so often fool the pastor and their flocks, with their suave words and good looks, for the Holy Spirit, unlike us who look upon the outward appearance, looks on the heart. He can see right through that wolves disguise (or Jezebel's for that matter).
I can usually, but not always, discern a Jezebel within moments of meeting her. And get this - what if you had instant access to all the knowledge in the world? Of course, you wouldn't want much of it because it's too filthy and you want to think upon whatever is pure or lovely or of a good report but what if you could have access to, and understand, every book on earth? When the Holy Spirit, by your invitation, takes up residence in your heart (roomies!) he brings Jesus with him for they are one and he brings the Father "in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge". God really is omniscient (knowing everything). Because he dwells outside the boundaries of time he can literally take Eternity to examine each life that has ever lived - and remember it all! What a mighty God we serve! So, to summarize, through the Holy Spirit, who connects us to Jesus and our Father, we have access to all the knowledge worth knowing. Prophets are just people God uses to channel that knowledge to people who haven't developed the gift of prophecy yet. Any prophet worth his salt will spend as much time teaching and anointing others to prophecy as he does prophesying himself. In God's kingdom we don't hoard our wealth we give it away, whether it's worldly wealth or heavenly. In this, we emulate our God "for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom"!
What earthly king has ever given his kingdom away to his subjects? Ask and ye shall receive. Let's say your enemy is encamped against you. God knows his every move before he makes it and he's happy to share them with you. Ask the Holy Spirit anything - he knows the answer! Doing a multiple choice quiz in History class? Can't decide between A or B? Ask the Holy Spirit - he will nudge you on the inside toward one or the other. He delights in the inquisitiveness of little boys and girls who expect their daddy to know everything. As any good father would, he really delights in our coming to him as little children.
One of the most beautiful snapshots of our God in all the Bible is that of Him sitting there with little children crawling all over him "suffer the little children and forbid them not, to come unto me". I can see him hugging them and kissing them on top of their little heads as he prays over them and i know he loves to hear and answer our childish questions for when I first came to him as a little child, he patiently answered mine. I once asked him how many hairs were on my head at that moment and he told me! I asked him about the saying "where angels fear to tread" - I asked him "so, where do they fear to tread"? Immediately he replied "where I've told them they can't go". A holy fear came over me and I fell down and reverenced him and worshiped. When I was on the Sea of Galilee, as I was worshiping him i asked him "how exactly did you walk on this water?" I got a sense of great joy from the Lord that someone finally asked him that and he immediately opened up within my spirit a vision. Stay tuned for my next blog entry and I will share the vision he gave me. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Satan loves to play the "long con". So the fact he's revealing himself now, more clearly than ever before, to those with eyes to see, who have "anointed their eyes with eye salve that they may see" means the end game is upon us. We are not in the last days, we are in the last hours and perhaps even minutes. How privileged are we to live in this day!
Do I think Obama is the Anti-Christ? Good  question. I do not believe he is the Anti-Christ but I believe he could be. In other words, he walks in his spirit. The Anti-Christ will be someone a lot like Obama - full of charisma, handsome, well-loved, who appears seemingly out of nowhere from humble beginnings to rise quickly through the ranks of the elite to take the reins of the most powerful government on earth, which, at that time may well be the one world government that is coming. If the one world government is not in power at that time, the Anti-Christ will be involved in it's creation. Like Obama, the Anti-Christ will have backwards morals, calling that which is good, evil, and that which is evil, good. Like Obama, he will smile that charming smile as he leads the world straight to hell.
Indeed, he will call the narrow path of Salvation the path to hell. He will initiate a pogrom of epic proportions, against Jews and (real) Christians that will fulfill Rev: 13:1-8 "And it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them; and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations". For they will be the only ones opposing him and it will seem right and natural to hunt them down and kill and imprison them because the are opposing the Prince of Peace, which he will purport himself to be. "And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world".
He will begin persecuting the Saints by using words. He will label them "racist", "homophobic", "sexist", "Islamophobic", "bigots", "narrow minded", not willing to join with the rest of the world in celebrating and accepting the world's true savior. And to lend legitimacy to his claims, those who lead the false religion called Christianity, will stand with him in condemning the true saints of God. In the world's eyes, this will be the sign of his coming, that many "Christians" accept him and his mark, for they had already taken his mark in their souls, they had already given their spirits to him. The outward mark will be simply a reflection of an inward mark they've already received.
He will convince people that not following the religious form of Christianity he himself inspired is foolhardy and false. He will not come against the false "tare churches" who label themselves "christian" because they will not come against him. They will continue in "ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, who will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned into fables." The Anti-Christ presents the truth as a fable and fables as the truth. The churches embracing his spirit, and not the Holy Spirit are those by "whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And many shall follow their pernicious (having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual and subtle way) ways, and through covetousness (a strong desire for material possessions, greedy, avaricious - lusting for money and what it can buy) shall they with feigned (insincere) words, make merchandise of you".
NO, these so called "Christians" will be honored by the Anti-Christ who will be our modern day version of Nimrod who "gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. Doesn't that sound like a certain political party in America today? Let's make people more and more dependent on us, that way we will insure we will always be in power. Nimrod also sought "to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God" and "he persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness".
No, Obama isn't the Anti-Christ but he could be his ambassador, his forerunner. He is perhaps the most wicked President the USA has ever had, and that's saying a lot, yet he claims he is a Spirit filled Christian. He's filled with a spirit alright, but he isn't holy. The Anti-Christ himself may very well claim he is a Christian, or Christ himself. This is so he can usurp God from off the throne of the hearts of men. He could not overthrow Christ in Heaven so he wants to do it here on earth.
He really thinks he is worthy of taking God's place. Pathetic. Biggest loser this world has ever seen, yet millions will follow him to hell.
I hope these words have helped to bring awareness to your spirit, that you will not be caught unawares when "they shall put you out of their Synagogues (Churches): yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service". Muslims are currently doing this, killing "infidels" believing they are doing God service. But it will get worse, much worse...for "Christians" will turn against Christians, brother against brother, children against parents, hating instead of loving, for Satan is incapable of true love and those that follow him likewise cannot love the righteous, pure love of God. They actually practice a false form of love, that says "I will love and accept you only as long as you love and accept me....accept my false doctrines, accept me in all my sin and perversion or I will hate and despise you". God's love is so perfect he even loves his enemies.
Yes, in these last moments "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived" but continue in the things which you have learned and have been assured of; knowing of whom you have learned them.
I have yet many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Let's take a step back. No, a bigger step, thanks. Let's take a look at the big picture (one of my favorite Michael W. Smith albums by the way). Satan normally does not like to reveal himself. He lives to stay in the shadows, pulling the strings of his puppets, influencing from a place of darkness. He doesn't crave the limelight, usually. Until.......he's ready to take the world stage as the Anti-Christ, the complete opposite of the real Christ, Jesus.
Now hear me - the Anti-Christ will not declare himself to be so. No, he will declare himself to be the Christ, or at least to be of Christ - the world's salvation, sent from God. All world religions will embrace him, including Christianity, for he is the father of them all. For religious Christians, he will appeal to their false sense of what is right and what is wrong, and logically, his lies will make perfect sense. Is it not a good thing for all religions to get along in perfect peace and harmony with one another? Instead of dividing us, religion should unite us! Doesn't God love everybody? Homosexuals, adulterers, murderers, liars and thieves - they're all welcome in Satan's kingdom, just like they are in God's, only in his kingdom sinners do not need to repent. Rather, their sin is something to be proud of, to celebrate, to march openly in the streets and shout to the world "I'm a sinner!" (well, they don't believe their sin is sin at all).
This blatant, public showing of Satan's fruit, of his followers, is a sign of the times. The fact that, politically, those on the left are becoming more and more  obvious about what spirit they are of - the fact that demonic fruit is ripening at just this point in our nation's (USA) history to where it is extremely obvious Satan is stirring the pot, riling up people, getting them angrier and angrier because his (false) ideals aren't being embraced by the right (my God! They elected Trump!) - all this leads me to conclude his (satan's) appearance on the world stage in physical form (in emulation of Jesus), is eminent.
I believe he will make things so bad that the world will breathe a huge sigh of relief when he steps in to bring so called "peace". His strategy is to start a fire then offer to put it out. He will present himself as a man of peace but the only peace Satan will promote is abject, total surrender to himself and his agendas.
As the world joyfully embraces him, he will begin to systematically wipe out, imprison and destroy all who oppose him. Those he uses to murder Christians will believe they are doing God a favor. Which they are, only not the God of love, rather the god of hate, the god this world chooses to follow and obey. How can they tell who is a follower of Christ and who follows the Anti-Christ? Simple - look for his mark - which is necessary for buying and selling. Yes, you cannot do business in Satan's kingdom (Babylon) without money, whereas in God's kingdom all you need is love. But before anyone accepts the mark in their body, they will have first accepted Satan's mark in their souls, which is hatred for their brethren, exalting of self and greed, all rooted in pride. Saints, are you ready? Someday we may look back on the days of Trump with great fondness and great sadness that they are gone. Let's pray that he isn't assassinated while in office. Remember, the blessings Trump is bringing to America are not so we can fulfill the "American dream", of having a comfortable life, physically, but rather that we can fulfill "God's dream" that we will be spiritually prepared to be his bride forever, fully intimate with him and desiring spiritual blessings, not natural ones. 

 God doesn't put leadership in people's lives to be their "head" - He does it so they'll be their "tail" - t...