Saturday, April 28, 2018

I would like to talk about the sin of familiarity. What I mean to say is, as we draw near to Him by His invitation, as we become intimate with God, we must remember we are like Esther. Like us, her husband was also her king (and everyone else's!). Our God declared to Israel "Your Maker is your husband". Gentiles (non-Jewish) believers who call themselves "Christians" are actually Israelites, for they've been grafted into the natural Olive tree - Israel. So, our Maker is now our husband too! (Is:54:5)
We are all called into a "Song of Solomon" type of relationship with our God/Husband - but as in Esther's day, when many were called, only she was chosen - God told me once "There are many who come to the (wedding) altar and pledge their love to Me, but few consummate the marriage".
Yet, for those who do lie at His feet, as Ruth did before Boaz, and ask Him to "spread therefore thy skirt over thy handmaid", we enter into a joyously intimate relationship with Him whereby He plants His seed deeply in our hearts (our hearts are the spiritual soil whereby spiritual seeds are planted), that we may bear Him "much fruit" but as we enjoy Him heart to heart, spirit to spirit (much more satisfying than flesh to flesh), we must remember to hold Him in deepest reverence. We even fear and tremble at times as we become aware of how awesome He really is - the all-encompassing authority and power He wields, indeed He is the source of all legitimate authority, His power infinite. It would behoove us to listen to Naomi. Being a humble, godly woman, Ruth obeyed her instructions. There is so much the Church could learn from Israel if she would humble herself and listen. Think of it - almost all Old Testament and New were written by Jews. What a gift they've been to the world!
Listen to Naomi's instructions to Ruth - 'Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee and get thee down to the floor".
Now listen to Jeremiah 4:14 - "Wash thine heart from wickedness" and Jesus' counsel to the Church of the Laodiceans, which included putting on raiment and anointing oneself - when we wash our hearts with the Word of God, when we are anointed of the Holy Spirit who is "given (to) us (as) the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts", when we put on "Robes of Righteousness", we become pleasing to God. When we lie still and don't seek to impress Him with our many words, we please Him. Many ask for the Blood covering so they may enter Heaven and be with Him when they die. Far fewer ask for the "skirt covering" so they may enter into Him (and He into them) now, before we die,
Will you and the Lord write your own "Song of Solomon" together? Will you sing your own personal song of love to each other? Or will you only read about it in a book?
My Beloved is mine and I am His
and I have kept myself for a time such as this.
His coming is near as the Dawn to my eyes
this longing of mine is soon satisfied.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus, says The Spirit, says The Bride,
I'll not arise complete till you draw me to your side...
My God, in my heart is an all-consuming fire,
Come quickly, Lord Jesus, for its you I now desire....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...