Saturday, June 2, 2018

How often have I cried out to thee, oh My wayward son? How often have I patiently desired to redeem thee from the pit of destruction but you would not? How do I desire thee? As the deer pants for water, as the hawk searches for prey - diligently have I sought thee, yet, you would not....come out from your hiding place - though I shine as the noon day sun, you still choose darkness. What darkness is this that can stand the light of day! It is the darkness of a soul unclean, unredeemed and unclaimed.
Therefore says The Lord - I will give one more season of salt, one more season of sanctity - that those who choose to bow their hearts as well as heads may escape the wrath to come - for come it shall and all the enemy's plans shall burn up as a dry leaf - tinder for the wrath of My Spirit poured out upon the unjust and the unclean who dare to defile My bride.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...