Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Should it come to pass that a man would declare to his Maker that he is unjust? Oh man - that would decree to thy God - and pass judgment on the Judge of judges - who are you to judge Me? Your tongue shall turn to dust and your hope shall fail you as your blood shall not sustain you in the day that I shall visit you.
It cannot be that a man would judge Me, yet you have only done as your father desires - for he too sought to judge Me - to sit upon My throne and declare himself wiser than I - this shall never happen again, as I live and breathe saith the Lord - this will be My final judgment - those who will rise and those who will fall, shall never be judged again - it is finished.

For every soul has been judged already - I know before it comes to pass - who shall die and who shall live and I say now to those who live - your life is a precious commodity, a thing unlike any other in all My creation - a reflection of My beauty in holiness that shall please Me forevermore.

Lord, in your eternal presence, time does not exist, earthly boundaries fade away, there are no limitations in You, Lord - anything is possible in Your presence.

Oh Lord, there's so many words in the world now - far more than there's ever been before. I only know one thing for sure - only your words are truth, for sure. And the abundance of the enemy's words - cannot drown out the voice of the blood of innocents crying out to You, oh Lord, from the ground and they shall not go unpunished who have slain My innocents, saith the Lord. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...