Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Normally when we judge someone, we measure ourselves against them. If someone murders, for example, we deem ourselves worthy to judge them because we've never murdered. In this way we "compare ourselves one with another" which is not wise because we conclude we are better than the murderer - their moral superior.
Jesus judges not by outward appearance or even actions - he looks upon hearts and judges accordingly. He said if we hate our brother we're a murderer, if we lust we've committed adultery. If we judge by surmising we are better than someone else we are unwise - we can only judge righteous judgment by fully submitting ourselves to the only righteous judge - Jesus. Then, it is he alone who is morally superior and not we ourselves.
"For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise." Brethren - do not compare yourselves with one another and especially do not compare yourself with your pastor or any other leadership in your life. Don't give in to the Babylonian religion where your entire self-worth is dependent upon what your pastor thinks of you. You minister at your pastor's pleasure, as he sees fit - he judges what you can and can't do within the confines of the church where he has total authority.
In Babylon, men exalt themselves over one another - they exalt and bow down to flesh - they create a system of relating void of godly love - refusing to serve, rather choosing to be served. They convince you that works of service unto them are what God will use to build godly character in you, and He may yet do this but it is not his ideal. God's ideal is that they model servant hood by serving you, not requiring you to serve them. In Babylon, everyone is over or under someone - they claim this is of God, but it is of the god of this world, not our God, who consistently modeled servant hood for us, though He was above all.....

Thursday, August 23, 2018

I went to yet another ego-driven, pastor centered church Sunday morning. This particular church is non-denominational, but very sparsely attended. Maybe 15 people were scattered about on this particular Sunday morning. I knew the pastor, not well but by name. A few Sundays ago I did something I've never done before or since - I showed up at his church for the Sunday morning service, walked into his office and told him I had the message for that morning's service. The Lord had awoken me in the night, given me a message for that exact church for that exact service and when I told this pastor i had the Word of the Lord, I did it under the anointing and calling of an Apostle. After the service began, when the time allotted for preaching arrived, this pastor said from the pulpit that I had told him I had the Word for that day but God had given him the Word for that service - "but brother, the next time you come, I promise, you deliver that word."
So I went again, this last Sunday morning, (pretty gracious of me, if you ask me), and when I got there, even less people were in attendance, mostly family or friends of the pastor. He again got up and he again said "God gave me the message for today" and told me from the pulpit, "maybe another time".
Too many pastors believe their opinion or teaching on any subject is vital to everyone else. They believe all in their church must value and treasure all they have to say but they do not themselves treasure or value what others have to say, especially those in their own church. The teach that godliness is agreeing with them, all the time. These are some exact quotes from this pastor's sermon that day -
"Stuff that happened in Genesis ain't got much to do with you" (yes he said "ain't" and yes you guessed right - this church is in the South).
More quotes -
""We preach the truth of God's Word" (doesn't everybody? Every church believes they do, whether they do or not).
"Stop reading from Genesis to Revelation"
"Let the Holy Spirit lead" "Don't shut me down cause I'm preaching good"
""Did you enjoy this message?" (this question puts them on the spot - really, who's gonna say no? And when the pastor's yes man shouts "Amen!" "Great Message!", it stokes the pastor's ego and lulls him into believing his message was actually good...but the yes man will NEVER say it wasn't...he will loudly shout "Amen!" "Preach it brother!", no matter what the pastor is saying.
Another quote - "I'm preaching good!" "Most Christians don't know what the scriptures say" - a classic tactic - reinforcing the idea that the pastor is wise beyond his congregation, that they don't know the Bible like he does, and all he says is true. So if you're sitting there thinking "I'm getting nothing out of this service", the problem is with you, not the pastor or the church because he's just confirmed "I'm preaching good!" and someone shouted "Amen!"
This all comes from the flesh, from an EGO led service, not Holy Spirit led - self-will, self led services, masking as Holy Spirit filled services.
SHOUTING does not equal the anointing. Quoting scripture does not equal real wisdom. Having your right hand man stand up after every sermon and declare loudly and long what a great message it was and how he personally was mightily blessed to hear it does not mean it was a good message or good teaching or preaching at all. In fact, this does a disservice to the pastor because he will then continue to deliver crappy sermons thinking the whole time they are anointed and great. This pastor (and thousands like him) is on an ego trip of epic proportions. He is unable to let the Holy Spirit lead him or his people. God sent me to him out of grace and mercy for his years of service - I say this with no ego - if he had received me as he should have, his church would have prospered mightily from that day forth, instead, it will now die. (It's already dead, now it will not experience resurrection)
If God chooses to, in his mercy, he will send Apostles and Prophets to Pastors to bless them. This blessing necessarily involves a shaking and "the removing of those things that are shaken, as of those things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain". Religion is man made, and God's people must be freed from it to become his pure and mature people.
Pastor - do not be a Nabal - Do not reject God's anointed when He sends them to you - Do not say "Who is David? and who is the son of Jesse? There be many servants now a days that break away every man from his master." In other words - "who are you submitted to? You should be under Saul" but if David had remained under Saul, Saul would have killed him, for Saul, like many pastors today, was jealous of David's calling and anointing (though he used it when it was convenient for him). Saul would never allow David to fulfill his God given destiny under Saul's roof, and so do pastors today - they are kings refusing to allow the Lord's anointed to prosper, instead saying "shall I take my bread and my water......and give it to men, whom I know not whence they be?"
Shall I give my pulpit to men I know not? Shall I allow someone to minister in my church that isn't submitted to me, committed to me?
Their hearts are not right within them - they do not know how to "entertain strangers" nor do they know how to receive the Lord's anointed. The Spirit of the Lord speaks by me and His word is in my tongue but this pastor knew it not or knew it and didn't care. Jesus said this of them, of pastors who will not receive apostles and prophets - "He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward...."
Yet they choose, too often, to remain destitute - not seeing the honor they are receiving by receiving God's apostle or prophet. Weep for my people saith the Lord - weep for the blind pastors, unable and unwilling to follow Me, selah.
Mistake not this one thing, this final thought - If I, as an apostle, think I'm better than a pastor, because I'm an apostle, than I am no better than any of the blind pastors I've met, rather I'm as ego driven as anyone the Lord rebukes and deserve to be rebuked myself, if I should ever think like that. 

Sunday, August 19, 2018

2 Corinthians 13:9 is the opposite of most churches today because most churches are operating in the world's spirit and not Christ's. Jesus had the Father's heart, which in turn was (and is) reflected in His apostles, including Paul. In churches today, people are not being perfected and usually the Pastor is strong while the people are weak, or at least the Pastor (believes he) must at least appear to be strong.
Ask yourself this - When you stand before God face to face at the throne, do you want this to be your testimony? "I faithfully sat in this pew for 40 years. I never left this seat, but kept it occupied, faithfully, always."
"Did you read My Word?"
"Yes Lord! I mean, whenever the Pastor told me to, I turned to a scripture and read it."
"My command was to go - not only sit."
"Lord! Go where?"
"Into all the world, wherever I would have sent you, to preach the Gospel to every creature, with words and deeds."
"Lord, I shared the Gospel once on a street outreach. And I brought lots of people to church!"
"Did you cast out devils in My name?"
"I, um, I, uh,"
"Did you speak with new tongues?"
"Lord! In our church our Pastor wouldn't allow that! I was just obeying my Pastor!"
"Who should you have obeyed? Me or your Pastor?"
" Lord....."
"Did you lay hands on the sick and see them recover?"
"No Lord, that was our Pastor's and our elder's job. My job was to pray for them and support them so they could do your work."
"You have no reward laid up - no treasure in Heaven. You looked to your Pastor and not to Me - you followed him and not me. You denied me and my will was not done in your life. You mistook faithlessness for faithfulness and your Pastor became the center of your faith, not I. This became the cry of your heart -

                                       "Our Pastor, which art on earth,
                                        honored be thy name. thy kingdom
                                        come, thy will be done, in our church
                                        as it is in heaven. Give us this week
                                        our weekly bread and teach us all we
                                        should understand about our God and
                                         lead us always, for we shall hear your
                                        voice and another we shall not follow.
                                        May thy ministry be glorified in our
                                          lives on the earth, Amen."

Monday, August 13, 2018

Satan's desire is to put a wedge between us (Christians) and the lost. To do this he uses offenses. He tries to get us to become offended with lost souls we meet because he knows this will cut off communication between us and them. But if he's dealing with a mature Christian - one who walks as they should - who forgives and refuses to carry offenses - for we well know overcoming offenses is vital to our growth and maturity in the kingdom of our Father, if Satan encounters this kind of saint he will try to get the lost to become offended with us, often by labeling us as intolerant, racist, bigots, homophobic, etc. It can be a really small thing, never meant to offend, that a heart gripped by Satan will blow up into a huge thing. The poor, lost soul will become offended and will stay offended, not knowing how to forgive or even if they should. They will carry the offense around in their heart, providing themselves an excuse to hate you and despise you while still appearing right in their own eyes.
This is saddest when it happens between two brothers in Christ (or sisters!), who should know better. Especially when the lost witness animosity between brethren. Our only defense against Satan's weapon (offense) is to walk in a manner worthy of His name. We must conduct ourselves so that we do not offend anyone - Jesus said "It is impossible but that offenses will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!" We must all walk circumspectly, doing our best to avoid causing offense to those we meet each day, but hear this - Holiness and righteousness (true holiness, not the fake kind created by religions of men) and truth are offensive to many, for some of the people you encounter have been conditioned by Satan to be offended with the Holy Spirit's presence in you. You cannot avoid offending them  no matter how uprightly you conduct yourself. In fact, it is this very thing that offends them - walking uprightly. For these people, who believe good is evil and evil is good, or who believe holiness is offensive, the clearest witness of the Gospel they will ever see is how you respond to their hate and offense - with a meek and contrite spirit, tender-hearted, forgiving them for being offended with you without a just cause. As they shun and ridicule and mock you, you show them God's supernatural love in return, even as Jesus did to those who crucified Him, that as you die to self, they, like the Roman centurion, may proclaim, "certainly, this was (is) a righteous man."

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Part two

And God's solution today is the same as it was then - He is raising up Apostles and Prophets and sending them forth to fulfill His will and teach His people to do so. He is anointing men and women to "preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and the Day of Judgment of our God".
For His apostles and prophets will never seek to replace the apostate leadership of God's people with themselves but will rather point God's people to God Himself - uniting the Lord and His bride, helping to bring her to a place of purity and maturity and becoming less and less a part of their personal walk with God, so that God Himself becomes more and more the focus of their lives.
"Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?" "Is it not to deal your bread to the hungry and that you bring the poor that are cast out to your house? When you see the naked that you cover him? and that you hide not yourself from your own flesh?"

When you shake free of religion, these scriptures will come to life in your heart and fill your days with purpose - the true call of God on your days - the bands of wickedness, the heavy burdens, the yokes that need breaking - all are upon God's own people, not the world. All refer to His lost sheep who desperately need saving in our day - NOW deal your bread to the hungry....give the bread of life, Jesus himself, His words live in you, to the hungry, to those longing for Him, starving for Him, for true bread, not the pap they're fed in church after church across the land - churches full of people not hungry for the bread of life but instead partaking of the bread of death, full of the Pharisees leaven, week after month after year. Bring the poor that are cast out of those types of churches, to your house. Make your house a sanctuary of love, the rich, pure love of God so many are lacking, therefor they're poor, for they look in vain in "houses built by men" and not by God. These houses (churches) love according to their standards and not God's. All they do is designed to make them look good in the eyes of the people, to convince people they are of God - never realizing Satan goes around doing good too! He has his own standards of good and evil and wishes his people to follow them as long as they do it under/in his spirit and not God's. He will teach the word of God! He will entice men with the "wisdom of this world", convincing them it's God's wisdom, causing them, in the end, to reject the wisdom and truth given to us by God's Spirit - twisting and perverting scripture till all manner of false doctrines abound - taught using God's own words!
Heed now "the voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the Lord our God, the vengeance of His temple". Flee out of the midst of Babylon, flee from religious Christianity, and deliver every man his own soul - be not cut off in her iniquity, for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance, He will render unto her a recompense".
God is well aware of the bondage His people are in and He is sending forth His apostles and prophets to enter the jails we call churches, and from their midst pray and sing praises to God - so that the prisoners hear them, until the jails are shaken and the foundations of the prisons are broken - the false doctrines, the lies, until "all the doors are opened and everyone's bands are loosed" hallelujah! And the keepers of the prisons - the pastors awaken out of their sleep, and seeing the people free from their bondage, first desiring to kill themselves, will instead be saved "along with their houses". This glorious picture from Acts 16:23-34 shall come to pass in your sight. True apostles and prophets are being beaten today (vs. 22 & 23) - multitudes rising up against them, casting them into prisons of their own devising, religious churches, charging their pastors to keep them bound, but as Joseph was cast into the pit by his own brethren, and later prison, all so he could be used by God to bring deliverance and salvation to the very ones who cast him into the pit, and to the ones who cast him into prison, so it is today. Despair not O Apostle, forsake not your calling O Prophet - for I will indeed use you to deliver My people - I will indeed use your voice to shake the prisons, I will use your humility to crumble the houses of pride so prevalent in the earth today, saith The Lord.

Epilogue: So we see that with Israel and the Church, representing our flesh and our spirit, the truth revealed is this: In Christ our flesh and our spirit are destined to come together in perfect unity, peace and harmony - for only in Christ can this happen. This is our glorious destiny! Our inheritance! Now, instead of warring against each other, one trying to dominate the other, instead they will serve each other. The flesh was created before the spirit, just as Israel was created before the Church. The flesh is the "tabernacle" for the spirit, just as Israel is the dwelling place for the Church. The spirit must honor the flesh, treat it as holy, with respect and the flesh must serve the spirit, not lord over it. much to be yet known and revealed Lord! Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...