Sunday, August 19, 2018

2 Corinthians 13:9 is the opposite of most churches today because most churches are operating in the world's spirit and not Christ's. Jesus had the Father's heart, which in turn was (and is) reflected in His apostles, including Paul. In churches today, people are not being perfected and usually the Pastor is strong while the people are weak, or at least the Pastor (believes he) must at least appear to be strong.
Ask yourself this - When you stand before God face to face at the throne, do you want this to be your testimony? "I faithfully sat in this pew for 40 years. I never left this seat, but kept it occupied, faithfully, always."
"Did you read My Word?"
"Yes Lord! I mean, whenever the Pastor told me to, I turned to a scripture and read it."
"My command was to go - not only sit."
"Lord! Go where?"
"Into all the world, wherever I would have sent you, to preach the Gospel to every creature, with words and deeds."
"Lord, I shared the Gospel once on a street outreach. And I brought lots of people to church!"
"Did you cast out devils in My name?"
"I, um, I, uh,"
"Did you speak with new tongues?"
"Lord! In our church our Pastor wouldn't allow that! I was just obeying my Pastor!"
"Who should you have obeyed? Me or your Pastor?"
" Lord....."
"Did you lay hands on the sick and see them recover?"
"No Lord, that was our Pastor's and our elder's job. My job was to pray for them and support them so they could do your work."
"You have no reward laid up - no treasure in Heaven. You looked to your Pastor and not to Me - you followed him and not me. You denied me and my will was not done in your life. You mistook faithlessness for faithfulness and your Pastor became the center of your faith, not I. This became the cry of your heart -

                                       "Our Pastor, which art on earth,
                                        honored be thy name. thy kingdom
                                        come, thy will be done, in our church
                                        as it is in heaven. Give us this week
                                        our weekly bread and teach us all we
                                        should understand about our God and
                                         lead us always, for we shall hear your
                                        voice and another we shall not follow.
                                        May thy ministry be glorified in our
                                          lives on the earth, Amen."

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...