Monday, August 13, 2018

Satan's desire is to put a wedge between us (Christians) and the lost. To do this he uses offenses. He tries to get us to become offended with lost souls we meet because he knows this will cut off communication between us and them. But if he's dealing with a mature Christian - one who walks as they should - who forgives and refuses to carry offenses - for we well know overcoming offenses is vital to our growth and maturity in the kingdom of our Father, if Satan encounters this kind of saint he will try to get the lost to become offended with us, often by labeling us as intolerant, racist, bigots, homophobic, etc. It can be a really small thing, never meant to offend, that a heart gripped by Satan will blow up into a huge thing. The poor, lost soul will become offended and will stay offended, not knowing how to forgive or even if they should. They will carry the offense around in their heart, providing themselves an excuse to hate you and despise you while still appearing right in their own eyes.
This is saddest when it happens between two brothers in Christ (or sisters!), who should know better. Especially when the lost witness animosity between brethren. Our only defense against Satan's weapon (offense) is to walk in a manner worthy of His name. We must conduct ourselves so that we do not offend anyone - Jesus said "It is impossible but that offenses will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!" We must all walk circumspectly, doing our best to avoid causing offense to those we meet each day, but hear this - Holiness and righteousness (true holiness, not the fake kind created by religions of men) and truth are offensive to many, for some of the people you encounter have been conditioned by Satan to be offended with the Holy Spirit's presence in you. You cannot avoid offending them  no matter how uprightly you conduct yourself. In fact, it is this very thing that offends them - walking uprightly. For these people, who believe good is evil and evil is good, or who believe holiness is offensive, the clearest witness of the Gospel they will ever see is how you respond to their hate and offense - with a meek and contrite spirit, tender-hearted, forgiving them for being offended with you without a just cause. As they shun and ridicule and mock you, you show them God's supernatural love in return, even as Jesus did to those who crucified Him, that as you die to self, they, like the Roman centurion, may proclaim, "certainly, this was (is) a righteous man."

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...