Friday, November 16, 2018

One of Satan's greatest desires is to silence God. I heard a rumor to that effect - it said that God no longer speaks today as He did in days of old, except through his written word, what we refer to as the Holy Bible. They said He said all He will ever say to man is in the Bible and that's it - He personally speaks to no one today, they say. Yes, they say God, who continually spoke to men, from Adam to John the Revelator (except for 400 silent years), suddenly decided to shut up after the New Testament was finished and He never spoke to men again, despite the fact that the New Testament has many scriptures that refute this doctrine. Why urge us to covet the gift of prophecy, if that gift is no longer available to us?
Satan of course, will twist the true meaning of scripture to suit his purposes, laughing all the way to Hell as millions of people perish, believing his lies, that they cannot have a personal relationship with God, or if they do, He is mute, unwilling to communicate with them personally, leaving behind pastors and elders to communicate his desire for them personally. Church leadership has long desired to take the place of God in people's lives and who do you think originated that desire? And the first thing they must do to take over the role of God in the lives of people is silence God. This way, the people have no choice but to listen to God's special, chosen ones who are called by God to reveal His word and his will to them. No one can ever question their authority, therefor they cannot question their doctrine or teaching. It's a nifty set up....leaving no room for the people to hear from God for themselves...and if they do have something revealed to them by the Holy Spirit, it is not allowed to be shared...especially if it contradicts something the pastor is saying.....
So in conclusion, Yes, Jesus' sheep hear his voice, today and tomorrow and forevermore...yes, earnestly covet to his voice for yourself and others....and he will speak to you directly, he will reveal mighty things to you that you know not....his words are spirit and they are life....rejoice oh beloved saint...for he desires to speak to you today! I encourage you to write down whatever he shares with you....if you have mature elders in your life that believe all saints can prophecy, then share what he is speaking with them....let them judge it.....many demons pretend to be the Holy Spirit....mimicking his voice....but in all honesty, if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, you will know when he is speaking and when it is don't let fear stop you from prophecying....God is so faithful...if you open your mouth by faith, he will fill it with words.....amen.  

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...