Monday, November 19, 2018

Part One

We are told by Jesus to pray in private. We are also told to give in private (churches of course make both of these a public event), but what about worship? Paul gives us some illumination on the subject - In 1 Cor:14:26 he says "When ye come together, everyone of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation - let all things be done unto edifying".
Let's start with the last line of that verse - everything we say to one another, whenever we're together, should be said from a heart full of love. Every word should be deeply rooted in love - the fruit of our love for one another, so to speak. This way, when all things are done, they will edify and provide health to the Body, not sickness or disease.
Now notice - "everyone of you hath". A fully functioning, healthy body is one with all members, every cell, working in perfect harmony with each other, directed by the head (the head of every man is Christ), so, of course, churches ruled by Satan's deceptive, religious spirit do the opposite - "one man hath" a doctrine, a psalm, a revelation, etc. In most churches "no man hath" a tongue or a spur of the moment revelation from the Holy Spirit, or an interpretation but in the rare church where these are allowed, one man supervises and allows them, or judges them, as he sees fit. This man is the Pastor, who in 1 Cor:12: 28&29 isn't even mentioned! Here, it's speaking of who God himself sets in the Church - FIRST APOSTLES, SECOND PROPHETS, THIRD TEACHERS, then miracles, gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues, does this look like your typical modern day local Church? Of course it doesn't - indeed, your typical Satan led church in our day exalts the Pastor while excluding all of the above except Teacher, helps and perhaps governments, and even then, the Pastor doubles as the Teacher, typically. But I digress. My original point is this: in Satan's type of church, all ministry is bottle necked into one or two men, a Pastor and a Worship leader (whoever said we need to be led into worship anyway?). The entire focus of each meeting is on them, only they bring __________________ (fill in the blank) to each meeting. They choose the songs to sing before the meeting starts, leaving no room for the Holy Spirit to lead or inspire a song. They choose what teaching or revelation to share, etc. to impart in each meeting, again, leaving no room for the Holy Spirit to share: all ministry in the local church body comes from them. This is a very unhealthy body - only one or two members working. Try getting God's work done with one leg or one arm, for example, yet that's exactly what's happening in most churches today, to Satan's everlasting delight. "Every one hath" is nowhere to be found.
But, you say, it's impossible for everyone to share in a typical service - too many people! Exactly! God never meant for our fellowship with one another to be so large that we become just another face in the crowd, contributing nothing to the service but our money. He'd much rather we meet house to house, as the early church did, where space is limited, gatherings are relatively small (though I once participated in a house meeting in Estonia with over 50 people in attendance, a record at the time).

To be continued.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...