Monday, November 26, 2018

Part Three

Anything God repeats in scripture is super important, something He really wants us to grasp and do. Let's now look at Col:3:16 - "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." Remember, the New Testament as we know it today was still being written then, it hadn't yet been compiled, so "The word of Christ" here is referring to words spoken to us personally by Christ himself dwelling in us richly by his spirit, refuting today's doctrine that says God only speaks to us through His written word. This scripture is very similar to Eph:5:19 but with a slight twist - it points out that when we freely let the Holy Spirit woo our hearts and tongues the result will be wisdom flowing through us, we will be taught one of another but wonderfully to me, it will be expressed in songs and poems.
How wonderful that God uses songs and poems to express Himself to and through us! Is it coincidence that Psalms is located in the exact center of the Bible? It's very heart, so to speak? Our lives should be filled with songs and poems from God to us and from us to God. Not to boast but to make a point - just after being filled with the Holy Spirit I began writing poems and songs as the Holy Spirit inspired me. Oh He gave me so many! I would (and still do) get so excited whenever He'd reveal something to me, a truth, an observation from His perspective, a personal love ode. So often I would take a truth revealed to me and put it in writing as a poem or a song. Every prophecy too has been recorded in writing. I now have over 15 journals filled with Holy Spirit inspired words. The point is - so can you, indeed, you should. He wrote you a book, purely out of love for you, why not write Him one in response? Keep a personal love journal from you to God. Open your heart wide to Him and He will fill it with words! Wonderful, beautiful words. Prophecies and poems and psalms and hymns and spiritual songs! Words of wisdom and words of knowledge and tongues and interpretations of tongues!
Gather now with others who are doing the same. Gather with men and women and children submitted to and walking in the Spirit! Then, when "everyone hath" it will be done decently and in order. Every word from every tongue will be given time to be shared in perfect synchronicity because it's all coming from Him. He is (should be) the Conductor of every meeting we have. We are his orchestra, the more instruments joined together in perfect harmony, the more glorious the sound. Occasionally, during a symphony, one instrument will rise above the rest, likewise a soloist during a grand symphony my go it alone, It's the multitude and great variety of instruments and the unique sound each one makes that makes each performance special. Likewise, in the meetings conducted by the Holy Spirit,  God may choose one voice to go solo, including guest sent by God to bless us, as when Paul was visiting Troas and was preaching till midnight in the upper room (wish I'd been there) and a young man named Eutychus fell asleep and fell out a third floor window and died and was immediately raised from the dead by Paul. This is a picture, a prophecy to our present generation, till now asleep, then dead to the Apostolic and Prophetic ministries of our day but soon to be quickly raised from spiritual slumber and death - to go forth and do God's bidding. NO MORE ONE MAN BANDS! NO MORE SOLO ACTS only! From hence forth, we are to break loose from Satan's subtle designs on us - we will no longer fulfill his will nor walk in his ways. No, we will follow the Holy Spirit's lead - we will fulfill God's will, we will learn of Him, His ways. We are all to become actively, not passively involved in Christ's ministry, to His precious bride, our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, for "everyone of you hath", amen and amen!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...