Thursday, November 22, 2018

Part Two

In house meetings, it's entirely possible for everyone to contribute something, especially a psalm. Worship as God meant it to be, is an individual expression of our love and adoration for God, originating from each heart, expressed to all. It may be a spontaneous song or poem rising out of our hearts in the moment, or it may be a song or poem we conceived during the week but the point is, it came from us, not from a professional worship leader or even from a professional song writer. I love the songs written by professionals...many are anointed  and they may be incorporated into the worship but they should never replace the songs and poems coming from each heart present. In other words - worship is not to be turned over to a "leader", to one man but rather to the Holy Spirit. Anointed though the worship leader may be, talented though he may be, your a capella song fresh from your heart full of love for your God and you brethren, is more pleasing to God than the slickest, most professional song performed by a dozen of the finest musicians and singers.
I've prophesied hundreds of times, yet when I was at a meeting once, the Holy Spirit's presence was tangible, the anointing strong, really flowing and the Lord told me to stay quiet. Instead, he spoke through a newborn baby Christian and the word was - "I hear God saying I love you". Now that simple word was so pleasing to God, I could literally feel His joy because that young saint had the courage and obedient heart to listen to God and speak on His behalf - to edify and encourage the Body (not criticize or condemn). That simple "I love you" was so anointed! It was exactly what God wanted to say, hallelujah! I'm so glad I kept quiet. I'd much rather hear someone prophecy for the first time than hear myself.
Listen carefully to Paul in Eph:5:19 - "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord." There it is again - "Your heart"! As I've said many times - without a heart to heart relationship with God, we won't be welcome in Heaven until Heaven is welcome in us.
I'm not entirely sure what the difference is between a psalm and a hymn but I suspect psalms are inspired by the Holy Spirit within us (or upon us as in David's case) while hymns originate in our spirit's and souls, while "spiritual songs" are spontaneous songs birthed by the union of our spirits and God's, from our hearts to our mouths. They are birthed and fully developed in that meeting's moment, as fresh as the first song sung on the first day of creation, rising out of the glorious union of God's spirit and ours, a bride and groom rejoicing in one another, edifying and nourishing and encouraging all who hear - joyfully drinking deeply from the wells of Salvation springing forth from each heart present.
Look closely at Paul's admonition "speaking to yourselves". This rarely happens in modern church services, except in those few moments before the service begins or after it ends, when people get a chance to say hello and goodbye, and they get a moment to catch up with each other but make no mistake - ministry is not to take place during these times - we're trained to let the Pastor and elders conduct all ministry from the pulpit. He may grant time in the service for the people to greet one another, he may grant time for the people to pray for each other, but he decides when and how long every aspect of the service takes place. How often have I seen sweet, beautiful worship, where God's presence is strong, interrupted by a Pastor eager to get to his sermon. The people certainly do not ever sing or speak "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs" to one another. Part 3 coming soon...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...