Monday, December 31, 2018

So recently I see this movie poster in a mall (for "Singing in the Rain") and the Holy Spirit nudges me, gives my heart a tug. Funny thing is, I'd recently decided to watch this movie for the first time, just last week. Believe it or not, I'd never seen it! Seen songs from it, including the iconic title song but I'd never seen the entire movie.
As it turns out ""Singing in the Rain" is a prophetic cry of God's heart for His people in 2019. Those of us who love and welcome the Holy Spirit will be "Singing in the Rain" in 2019 - we will be experiencing His presence like never before. Like the "latter rain" spoken of in scripture, poured out on all flesh, like the flood of Noah's day, no one on earth will be able to escape His presence but it's only those of us who love Him who will be singing and dancing for joy at the coming out pouring of His presence. We will (literally) be "singing and dancing in the rain" for joy!

In the movie, a famous actor is with someone who pretends to love him, even convinces herself he loves her, but in reality she is using him to advance her career, for her own gain and glory.
He meets a woman who is her exact opposite...unassuming, humble, who refuses to idolize him and put him on a pedestal...and he promptly falls in love with her, for her honesty and truth.
In 2019, God's people, i.e. His actual Bride, will stop allowing "fake lovers" to use them for their own selfish agendas, for their own gain and glory. These false shepherds, thieves, hired hands, will be exposed and deposed in 2019. The ones, like the actress in the film, full of pride and arrogance, unable to see their own arrogance, unable to see their own faults, who belittle and mock the humble and contrite in spirit, who come against the true children of the Most High and seek to cast them out of their presence and keep them away from the ones they've deceived, will be exposed like never before, exposed like she was at the end of the film. In essence, Saul is being replaced with David in this upcoming season. Like the humble woman in the film, God's anointed and appointed will be recognized and applauded in 2019, though she is not seeking applause for herself. God's true saints are being exposed even as the false are deposed. Watch the movie. Let God open the eyes of your understanding. Join me this year as "I'm singin' and dancin'in the rain....

Saturday, December 29, 2018

The "Let Us" series continued

Let us not also forget that when we come together to eat, we tarry for one another. Don't start the meal till every one arrives. Indeed, it would be good for the last to be first - invite the last in line to the head of the line. Also, invite the poor to your meals and honor them by letting them eat first. Our physical meals are an example of how we partake of Christ, how we eat of Him when we're together. Do we prefer each other over ourselves? The poor, the weak, the spiritually lame or blind or wounded among us should always be invited to His banqueting house, where His banner over us is love, first.
Churches are full of people stuffing themselves with God's love, gorging themselves with His word, growing fatter and fatter, week after week after year, yet never going into all the world to preach the gospel to every creature ( I once preached to a herd of sheep. They were great listeners!)
How many pew dwellers "Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you"? Wait, I forgot, if you stay put in your local church, you're exempt from this command. All you have to do is give money to and pray for, those who are obeying this command (and give money and prayers to your pastor, after all, you are there to support him and his ministry to you, which is to teach you the Word). Wait a sec, aren't teacher and pastor separate ministries in Ephesians 4? Anyway, we're told, we can't all go. Some of us need to stay and earn money to give to those who go. Wait a sec, didn't Jesus send forth His disciples two by two with no money in their purse? Does He want us to rely on money from home to do His will as we obey Him and go? Or can we trust Him to car for us wherever we go in obedience to His will? Hudson Taylor had it right "Where God guides, He provides".
My wife and I took our two young daughters and spent almost four years as missionaries to Ireland with almost no support from back home. Giving money to missionaries is well and good if God tells you to give it but we don't need it to survive because we have a generous, loving heavenly Father who sees our every need and HE makes sure  we are well cared for - our dependence is on Him, not man. If missionaries are looking to churches or people at home to provide all their needs then the won't need faith on the mission field.
Anyway, "GO" could mean, walk across the street to your neighbor's house or speak the words God puts in your mouth to share with the waitress at your next meal out, or with the stranger shopping at the grocery store with you. I've prophesied at least as much  to complete strangers in public as I have inside of churches. In fact, the Holy Spirit is more welcome outside of many churches than He is inside them. God, as it turns out, loves speaking to people. Good thing too because His words are spirit and they are life. A word from God can actually resurrect some lost soul from the dead. And someone's body too "Lazarus, come forth" My own faith in God was once restored by a word given to me by a precious brother that I still know today thirty years later (thanks Daniel).
Let us have no schisms in the Body but let's each have the same care and concern for every member of the Body we've come to know and love. Our flesh tends to pick and choose who we're comfortable associating with. Whites like to go to churches full of whites, blacks like to go to churches full of blacks. Koreans like to go to churches full of Koreans and Hispanics like to attend churches full of Hispanics. Rich people like churches with lots of rich people, poor people tend to gather in poor churches. Even within these various churches we tend to gather in cliques, we tend to associate with people like us, families with families, singles with singles, elderly with elderly and youth with youth. Churches even encourage this and cater to these subdivisions within the local Body. They form specialized groups where singles can all hang out with singles, seniors with seniors, etc.
Yet all of these many boundary lines we draw around each other are an affront to God - who obliterates fleshly boundaries and draws us all together as one, one body, and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling, one Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."

Monday, December 24, 2018

The "Let Us" series continued, in which I look up every scripture that says "LET US"...

Let us learn "not to think of men above that which is written - that no one of you be puffed up for one against another". Boy is this a problem today! Basically, my book "Freedom from Babylon" is all about the exaltation of man over God, and man over man. Throughout the Bible many, many scriptures warn us about this - have you ever heard someone talk about their church? My pastor says.... "We have a great pastor", "Our pastor's sermons are awesome"....I never hear "Jesus" - Their focus is on their Pastor or church - their identity is wrapped up in their denomination - ""I'm a ________________fill in the blank. They're a ____________ first, a Christian second. They cling fiercely to their denomination and church and refuse to hear sound doctrine. They refuse the ministry and presence of the Holy Spirit, so we see that, in our day, the Holy Spirit is receiving the same treatment from institutionalized, religious Christians as Jesus received from institutionalized religious Jews in his day.
Paul tried to stamp this out from the beginning - "For you are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying and strife, and divisions (denominations), are you not carnal, and walk as men? For while one says "I am of Paul" and another "I am of Apollo", are you not carnal?
One says "I am of John Wesley", while another says "I am of Martin Luther", are you not carnal? One says "I am of the Baptists" while another says "I am of the Methodists" and another "I am of the Pentecostals", are you not carnal? Our only identification should be with Christ himself and his (our) Father and his Spirit. We should not exalt or identify with any man save Jesus himself. Paul said "follow me as I follow Christ", in other words - it's Christ we are following and only men fully surrendered to and following him, who do not seek anything {glory, money, attention) for themselves but desire only to glorify Christ "Worthy is the lamb (not Paul, or Apollos, or Luther or the Pope, or Chris) that was slain to receive (all) power, and riches, and wisdom and strength, and honor, and glory and blessing".
To summarize, let's not play politics in church, let's bring to pass God's dream of a New Testament church the way He's always desired - let's not play favorites, let's not exalt one teacher or pastor over another, not just within a church or denomination but within a city. Let's instead give each minister who is ministering out of the anointing equal respect and honor - we may prefer different personalities or styles but let's not in any way put one above or below another (cue: "God is Love" by John Reuben and Toby Mac). As long as they are called and anointed of God to minister to us, it's the Holy Spirit we should be seeking to hear from, it's the Father and the Son we should be promoting and exalting, not any man. 

Friday, December 21, 2018

The "Let Us" series continued

"Let us not therefore judge one another anymore - but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way".
We just read that we are to "warn them that are unruly", so when we are told to not judge one another anymore, this does not mean we are not to "know those who labor among us". If a wolf in sheep's clothing comes in, or a Jezebel, or a homosexual or a hypocrite or an adulterer, we need to judge them so we can call them to repentance and restore them into right relationship with God. We need to see if they will repent or are they there to cause discord among us or infect others with their unclean spirit, or teach false "doctrines of devils".
No, when we're told to not judge one another it means we are not to judge as if we are above them, better than them and we are not to judge who is to receive our love and who we are to serve with our time and money. We don't decide who is worthy. We are not to judge by outward appearance who has been sent by God to us, we judge only by the anointing. They may not fit our understanding or prejudices of who God will use. They may be a woman, or young, or single or black or Jewish or an Apostle or Prophet.....all are welcome if they have the anointing of the Holy Spirit (they may be a young, female, black, Jewish prophetess, Amen!)
"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another". All things must be done for edification. This is a quick way to tell if someone is walking in the wrong spirit, they're judgmental and they use prophecy to criticize - their words wound rather than heal. What is the fruit of their ministry over time? Generally speaking, Apostles and Prophets are the ones God uses to bring correction or to expose a Jezebel or wolf in sheep's clothing but they will do this privately first, then publicly if the party involved does not receive correction.
Let us "receive one another, as Christ has received us to the glory of God". Again, let us not pick and choose whom we'll receive and not receive based on outward appearance. Remember, all of us have fallen short of the glory of God, who receives all who receive him. A prostitute should feel just as loved and accepted in our midst as a wealthy Investment banker. She should be as accepted as Mary Magdelene was loved and accepted by Jesus.
Let us "salute one another with a Holy Kiss". Cultural norms must give place to Biblical norms, to our everlasting benefit. It's hard to kiss someone and stay angry with them (just ask my wife). It's also hard to remain strangers with someone you've kissed. It's akin to washing each other's feet - which we should also do on a regular basis for one another, for more than our feet are cleansed when we do this to each other. Imagine the healing that could result if a white congregation went to visit a black congregation and washed their feet. I like radical believers with radical love. We should also serve Communion to one another as often as we gather together. There is tremendous virtue and healing in the Communion elements that go a long way to maintaining a healthy Body of believers. 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Part Three "Let Us" series

This is a continuation of the series in which I looked up every New Testament scripture that says "Let US" -

Let us not "strive and do wrong one to another" for we are 'members one of another", so when we wound and hurt each other we are actually wounding and hurting ourselves. Striving and struggling with one another to have the preeminence among each other is of the flesh, not the spirit (well, not the Holy Spirit anyway). Pastors who demand to be called "Pastor", who demand to be respected and honored are  walking after the "pride of life".
Let us not assemble together and "some cry one thing, and some another; for the assembly was confused, and most did not know why they were come together". How true of so many churches today! They don't know their true purpose for gathering together, they associate their very identity and life long walk with God with their obedience to their Pastor and his teachings. They believe attendance  in their church is tantamount to obedience to Christ. If the Holy Spirit seeks to lead them elsewhere, or teach them something different from what the pastor is teaching, they'll reject the Holy Spirit's instruction. Our true purpose for gathering together is to minister to one another, and to Christ. We are to exhort each other to personal purity and maturity. We are to edify, encourage and build each other on our most Holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. We come together to
bear one another's burdens". We come together to "warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble minded, support  the weak" and to "lift up the hands that hang down, and the feeble knees". We come together to care for the widows and orphans among us, including the fatherless, those with mothers but no fathers. We come together to care for, feed and clothe the poor among us, to shelter and employ them if need be. We come together to welcome strangers, no matter their look or station in life. We are so foolish, we accept anyone who dresses nicely, believing they are of God because of their outward appearance, while despising anyone who comes in in rags or poor garments.
In short, we gather together to obey the Holy Spirit and fulfill Christ's command to "love one another". "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth".
Let us be "kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another." If we will but obey these admonitions, all under the chief of all commands - to love one another, than all the works of the flesh listed in Galations 5 will have no place in our midst.
Let us be "of the same mind one toward another - mind not high things (or people) but condescend to men of low estate" , in other words, don't treat people any differently because they are rich or poor. Let us "owe no man anything but to love one another". If we love every stranger we meet as the good Samaritan did, than our love will have "won another", as my daughter Tiffany said. Who but God, who looks upon the heart, knows the wounds of the people we meet each day, stoically trying to carry on as if everything is fine, yet mortally wounded on the inside. Truthfully, every one we meet in this life is dying a long, slow death. Only the children of the Most High God are truly alive. How many Christians see needs that only God's love can meet, yet walk on (or drive on) by without a second glance. Let us not be as the Priest or the Levite - men who claimed to be of God, who presented themselves publicly as God's representatives on earth, yet ignored their own brother, lying wounded in the street, without lifting so much as an eyebrow to acknowledge their wounded brother. Let us love with our actions, whenever and wherever we can, especially when no one but God sees us do it. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Part two

Pastors will try to convince you that by lording it over you they are actually serving you, do not believe them. If they are truly placed in your life by God they will serve and support your ministry, not require you to support and serve theirs. Discipline comes from the Body when the people are intimate with each other as God intended for them to be. Only the most serious offenses, which cannot be resolved among those involved, should be brought to recognized elders "In the meantime, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another". Luke 12:1.
Let us never trod upon each other as we seek to follow Jesus. Let us make room for one another's ministries as we seek to honor Him with our own for the best way to honor Him is by honoring one another - the best way to love Him is by loving each other "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me", Anyone who would ever seek to be near our Lord Jesus in any or our meetings at any time, I might add, should be allowed to do so. We should never limit someone's desire or opportunity to meet with God. It is not our work to convict men of their sinful condition but rather it is the Holy Spirit's - and He may, if given place to, move upon someone's heart, revealing Christ to them, at any point in the service, even before the service begins.
Let us not seek honor one of another but rather seek the "honor that comes from God only". We should not, in our hearts, seek the glory that comes from man's praise and attention but rather we should seek the praises of God alone. Let us not even look to one another but let us "look to God". While it is a good thing to comfort one another, to mourn with those who mourn, ultimately God himself is our comforter and the one we seek out and look to during trials and temptations for He truly is the only one we can depend on, who will never fail us. Let's "love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another". So simple a commandment yet the bed rock of our walk with God on this earth - the fulfillment of the law and the prophets along with "love the Lord thy God". Love works no ill to it's neighbor, if we would but keep this single commandment, we could abide in Him and bear much fruit. 

Monday, December 3, 2018

All Christians have "Christ in us, the hope of glory", therefore each of us is invaluable, each of us truly does have something from Christ to contribute to the health and well-being of the whole body. We are a body, a family, not one man - each one members one of another. We must no longer look to our Pastor alone but to Christ himself in each other. All through the New Covenant are found these words - "let us" and "one another". We must begin treating each other as equals and stop exalting any one man over us. With this in mind, let's explore every New Testament scripture exhorting "us" to belong to "one another"
Let us "have peace with one another" MK:9:50 We are continually exhorted, throughout scripture, to dwell together in peace and perfect unity "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity"! Psalm 133:1 For good reason does God remind us so often of the importance of brotherly love and peace - it's because it's so difficult to attain. In churches today, peace and unity are attained by having everyone submit to the Pastor, with unquestioning obedience, but God wants us to maintain unity by "endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit". We are not so much submitted to any man as we are submitted to one another in the fear of God with each of us esteeming the other better than ourselves. Of a truth, we are actually meant to submit to the Holy Spirit in one another. The Holy Spirit may recognize some in the local body as elders, some even as apostles, prophets or teachers but these are not to lord it over the local body but rather serve it for "you know that the princes of the gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority over them BUT IT SHALL NOT BE SO AMONG YOU" "Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your servant".
 Part two soon

 God doesn't put leadership in people's lives to be their "head" - He does it so they'll be their "tail" - t...