Monday, December 31, 2018

So recently I see this movie poster in a mall (for "Singing in the Rain") and the Holy Spirit nudges me, gives my heart a tug. Funny thing is, I'd recently decided to watch this movie for the first time, just last week. Believe it or not, I'd never seen it! Seen songs from it, including the iconic title song but I'd never seen the entire movie.
As it turns out ""Singing in the Rain" is a prophetic cry of God's heart for His people in 2019. Those of us who love and welcome the Holy Spirit will be "Singing in the Rain" in 2019 - we will be experiencing His presence like never before. Like the "latter rain" spoken of in scripture, poured out on all flesh, like the flood of Noah's day, no one on earth will be able to escape His presence but it's only those of us who love Him who will be singing and dancing for joy at the coming out pouring of His presence. We will (literally) be "singing and dancing in the rain" for joy!

In the movie, a famous actor is with someone who pretends to love him, even convinces herself he loves her, but in reality she is using him to advance her career, for her own gain and glory.
He meets a woman who is her exact opposite...unassuming, humble, who refuses to idolize him and put him on a pedestal...and he promptly falls in love with her, for her honesty and truth.
In 2019, God's people, i.e. His actual Bride, will stop allowing "fake lovers" to use them for their own selfish agendas, for their own gain and glory. These false shepherds, thieves, hired hands, will be exposed and deposed in 2019. The ones, like the actress in the film, full of pride and arrogance, unable to see their own arrogance, unable to see their own faults, who belittle and mock the humble and contrite in spirit, who come against the true children of the Most High and seek to cast them out of their presence and keep them away from the ones they've deceived, will be exposed like never before, exposed like she was at the end of the film. In essence, Saul is being replaced with David in this upcoming season. Like the humble woman in the film, God's anointed and appointed will be recognized and applauded in 2019, though she is not seeking applause for herself. God's true saints are being exposed even as the false are deposed. Watch the movie. Let God open the eyes of your understanding. Join me this year as "I'm singin' and dancin'in the rain....

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