Friday, January 4, 2019

"Let Us" series continues...

There isn't even "Jew or Greek, male or female but all are One in Christ". When Jesus called his apostles, who would form the nucleus, the foundation of his Body, some were married, some were not, some were older, some younger (John was 15, some scholars estimate), some were professionals, others common laborers, simply put, He doesn't look at our flesh, our outward appearance or circumstances, when He calls us to come to Him and follow Him, no, he looks at our hearts. The only defining characteristic common to each apostle was their willingness to follow Jesus, wherever he led them, even to their deaths.
This same trait - our deep love for our God who has saved us, should be what draws us together, not any fleshly trait. Singles should fellowship with families. The first church I ever attended had a pastor who let me hang out at his house all the time and I loved being a part of their family, for I had none of my own. Young should fellowship with elderly, for both their benefits. Young men with older men (even the world sees this need with their "big brother, big sister program), young women with "aged women....that they may teach the young women". The point is, all of us need all of us. In Acts 2:44 it says "all that believed were together, and had all things in common". This is the Church I want to see in our day, before I pass on to the next life. In the book of Revelation, we catch a glimpse of Heaven. 5:9 says "They sung a new song", who are they? The redeemed of God by His blood "out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation" (like the ark of Noah, God will preserve at least two from every people group on earth, in His body). We won't see blacks all huddled together with blacks in Heaven, nor whites exclusively with whites, or young in one corner with elderly in another. None of that will matter there. Did not Jesus tell us to pray that our Father's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven? We see no schisms or divisions among us in Heaven at all! Therefore we should see none on earth! All are one in Christ in Heaven and so are we one in Christ on earth. "All that believe" should be together, with all they possess common to one another, regardless of race, creed or color.
I long for a fellowship like this on earth - one that simply has all who love the Lord their God with all their hearts, souls, minds and strength in common with each other, and who love one another the same way. Whether old or young (or in between), or black or white or Asian or Native American or Jew or gentile or rich or poor (or in between), all are ONE IN CHRIST! All love truth and all desire a holy lifestyle and all are welcome and commune with the Holy Spirit each day and all seek to know and do the Father's will each day. Amen.  

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...