Friday, January 18, 2019

"Let Us" series continued:

"Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together". This is the famous scripture used by Pastors to keep people coming back to the jails they call "churches" - where Satan's will is done, not God's. This scripture is not admonishing us to "go to church" as we know them in our present day - because most churches will set you against the Father's will and will divide and separate you from other saints in your community. This scripture is saying, seek to fellowship with other saints. This can and should be, first and foremost, in our homes. The idea that our spirituality is primarily cultivated in our local church and not in our home is not of God. In our homes we have a choice, unlike in the local church, where the pastor is in charge, of allowing the Holy Spirit to be in charge and no man. In our homes, we can allow all those anointed and appointed by the Holy Spirit to help facilitate the meetings because the Holy Spirit is given free reign to do as He pleases, instead of being quenched, disrespected and ignored, like He is in so many churches, where man is in charge, not God. In our homes, prophecy is not despised, hopefully and the Holy Spirit may do whatever He pleases, say whatever He pleases, through whomever He chooses, whenever He chooses. Selah.
We are never to tell Him what He can and can't do, and when He can do it....we are to wait on Him in an attitude of worship, to tell us what to say and do. Religious services all have a format they follow that denies the power and presence of God. They are the same, week after week, in church after church, across the world. Look at God's creation to see how gloriously varied it is - look at how unique each one of us is - we are not to mimic and copy each other, we are not to wear Saul's armor, we are to be unique, who He has created us to be and honestly, every service we attend has the potential to look completely different from the last, when He is in charge.
We must lay down literally every thing we know about how we should conduct our meetings, at His feet. No more traditions of man. Put another way "Let's not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is" other words, watch how you assemble together - to do it in a manner pleasing to God...let's make sure He is invited to our assemblies!
Addendum: Please allow me to clarify something. I am not saying ALL pastors and churches are in error...neither am i saying many pastors are WILLFULLY following Satan's will and not Gods....Satan is very deceptive and he disguises himself as an angel of light ....even presenting himself as the Holy Spirit....many pastors are good men trying their best to be a blessing to God's people but none the less they are sincerely deceived into believing the Babylonian, Satanic inspired form of service they adhere to is of God....the foundation for this deception is the flesh...pride primarily....and we must all get free from every influence Satan has in our lives.....amen.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...