Tuesday, January 22, 2019

"Let Us" series continued

"Let us also not speak evil of any brother". This does not mean we cannot nor should not expose false prophets or teachers or pastors - wolves in sheep's clothing, who come among us to lead us astray but it does mean do not slander or accuse a brother, especially in front of others. If you have a problem with somebody, go to them privately, with a loving attitude, seeking peace, not with a haughty, "I'm better than you" spirit. Speak with the motivation to restore fellowship with them, not end it. Show him his error so he may repent, ask forgiveness, that the bond of peace may remain unbroken. By talking to him and not behind his back to others, you may find that it is you who needs to repent - you may have taken offense when none was given. Open communication, heart to heart, in love, will prevent small sparks from becoming raging forest fires consuming half the congregation. Dry hearts, that have gone a long time without the water of the word, the water Jesus spoke of in John 4:14, are easily ignited by hateful words spoken with malice, envious words that sow discord among the brethren. To summarize, speaking the truth in love is not speaking evil of someone; just guard your heart to make sure your motivation is what it should be "Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest you be condemned" "Behold, the Judge stands before the door" (of our hearts). A grudge is a feeling of ill will or resentment - this ties into Mt:6:14&15 - We must forgive one another or our Father will not forgive us. Do we want God holding a fault against us?
"Confess your faults (sins) one to another and pray for one another that you may be healed". When a brother confesses his sin to us, especially a sin committed against us and we forgive him and pray for him - we get healing. Our hearts get restored and the wonderful love and forgiveness we want from God for our faults flows to us. Forgiving each other releases God's forgiveness to us. This is so healthy for us that God does not say "confess your sins to God", He says confess them to "one another". God already knows you've sinned. Real repentance involves voluntarily going to the one you've wronged and throwing back the curtains of your heart and humbly acknowledging your sin against them. Sometimes we can't go to the one we've sinned against, even so, find a brother you can trust and confess that sin anyway - get it right out in the open, have your brother you are confessing to stand in for the one you wronged and forgive you on their behalf. In this way, "Mercy triumphs over judgment" and "Love covers a multitude of sins". Funny, sins hidden cannot be covered, only uncovered sins can. Our souls and hearts become restored and healthy when we know that those we've sinned against will respond to our sorrow at having sinned with love and forgiveness. In this way, we learn of the very real love of the Father, for it is one thing for our Father off in some distant heaven to forgive us but quite another to have a brother standing right in front of us forgive us...but soon we realize, it is really our Lord standing there in front of us, not a far off at all. This process causes our hearts to be knit together with the love God sheds abroad in our hearts. Hearts like this, that are alive with His presence now, are hearts He will keep in His presence for eternity. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...