Wednesday, February 27, 2019

For many years I wondered if I was a sinful Saint or a saintly Sinner. Now I know: I am sinner and saint, together in one breast, and which one has the preeminence in me, this day, this moment, is dependent on my surrendering my will to His "Oh Father, not as I will, but as you wilt"....."Thy will be done" daily Father, may "Thy kingdom come" in my earth, in my flesh as it is done in Heaven. Father, may You look upon me, Your new creation through the transfusion of the blood of Christ, and see that I am good - "God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it (I) was (am) very good".

Father, may I never cease to hear Your voice, as You walk in the cool of the day in the garden of my heart. My old man runs away from you, my old man hides from You but my new man seeks Your face and Your voice - You are what my New man eats and old man's flesh consumes itself - my new man consumes the flesh of my savior, Jesus old man drinks the wine of Your wrath, my new man drinks the wine that makes glad both the heart of God and man, the blood of my Christ, shed for the remission of my old man's sins. My old man follows Satan, his will and his ways - my new man follows You, Father ,Your Spirit dwells in me new man stands on the neck of my old man. My old man is Your conquered enemy Father, all that is in me that despises and hates You Father is now old, is now past, is now defeated.

Thank You for crucifying my old man on the Cross with You, Jesus. You had to kill him for he will not willingly lay down and die - he yet desires to live, he yet desires to crucify the new man....may Your word, Father, "quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword", pierce me, Father, divide my old man's soul from my new man's spirit - divide us asunder, discern the thoughts and intents of my heart, which I do not even know myself. May all that is of my old man in my soul perish in the flames of Your Holy Spirit's fire within me, that my soul may not perish in the lake of fire, oh Father! Bless the Lord! ALL MY SOUL! Every part of my soul that refuses to bow to the Lord of Heaven and Earth, die within me daily. I, Christopher Michael Tripp, the man of sin, must die that I, that disciple whom Jesus loves, may live.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...