Friday, February 22, 2019

"On Holiness" continued:

     This constant surrendering to Him, to His will - keeps the old man in us crucified, so we may "put on the new man", also in us, daily, like we put on our clothes. Daily I must confess - "I am a sinner", that daily i can then confess, "I am Holy because He is Holy and He lives in me". I confess I am not loving like Him, therefore, as I yield to to Him, as I walk in Him, His Holy Spirit, I am loving like Him. I confess I am not joyful apart from Him therefore I confess I am joyful He is in me. I confess I am not peaceful like Him, I have no peace with God or man, therefore I confess I am at peace with God and man because His Cross is ever before my heart. I confess I am not long suffering like He is therefore I confess I am long suffering, just like He's been with me, so shall I suffer long the faults of others. I confess I am not gentle like He is, therefore I am gentle for He donates His gentleness to me; I put on His rightness for I have no rightness of my own. I confess I have no goodness at all, absolutely none, therefore I am good because He looked upon my huge black hole of the absence of of anything good in me at all and filled it up with His goodness so that any good thing that ever comes from me is because of Him, therefore I may never glory in myself ever, for anything. I confess I have no faith, therefore I have great faith for where before I had none - Jesus took pity upon me and gave me His faith, which the Holy Spirit planted in my heart like a mustard seed "as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith" (so sinners unrepentant, unbelieving and unfaithful are without excuse for God has dealt faith to every man), and I confess I am not meek as He is meek now therefore I am meek for the One who said "I am meek and lowly in heart" has put His yoke upon my heart, to keep my wicked and wandering heart from straying from Him - His meekness is now my meekness, I am bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh and His flesh is completely obedient to His Father's will therefore so shall I be. I confess I have no temperance (moderation or self-restraint in action or statement, habitual moderation in the indulgence of a natural appetite or passion), therefore in the absence of my own temperance, I take within myself the very temperance of God, freely given to me by the Holy Spirit, who desires me to be just like Christ. So, indeed, as I must "I die daily". Daily I "have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts".
     My precious brethren, we, not a pastor or an evangelist or any other man, no, we must preach the word to our own hearts, to our own souls - "Bless the Lord, O my soul". We must tell, nay, command our hearts to obey Him daily, we must confess our sin and sinfulness to Him daily to be cleansed by Him daily. And when we are as He is, we must never glory in ourselves or in the praises of men, for He alone is worthy. Selah. 

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