Monday, April 15, 2019

"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the patterns of the world, and not after Christ"  Some men wield the scriptures with pride, creating teachings and traditions that say "hey, we've got this! We have this figured out" when really - the goal of all scripture is to simply teach us to love, God and each other, by entering into and maintaining a personal relationship with the God who is love. We must not allow ourselves to become the enemy's "Spoil" by submitting to men who want to use us for their own gain...whether that gain be glory for themselves or money or both.
To summarize, my point is, having people adhere to a set of rules and doctrines that they are only required to agree with in their minds, that they then try to keep with their minds, their strength, will set them up for failure. What we should be teaching them is not to follow a set of rules or laws or doctrines or traditions, with their minds and intellects but to follow Christ with their hearts by inviting the Holy Spirit to dwell inside. He will lead them into what He calls holy, what He says is righteous, and it comes from the inside out - holiness stems from our relationship with Him, it comes from who He is. Righteousness comes from Him, what He did (and does). Our place, our part, is to submit to and obey Him daily - not a set or rules or doctrines our church makes us "Christian". We are to be defined as Christians by our knowledge or even wisdom but by our relationship with Him. We must, like the Apostles, follow Him "Come, follow Me".
Revelation, directly from His Spirit to ours, is what brings wisdom and understanding. Knowledge, in and of itself, appeals to our pride. It puffs us up inside. Christ within us, on the other hand, humbles us....if He is in our hearts, not just our minds, we are constantly bowing before Him, surrendering to Him daily.
Every religious church service in America (and around the world) is full of traditions of men. Everything from when they meet, where they meet, when the service starts, how it's conducted, who speaks when, how worship is done - all of it is "traditions of man"! I've seen services led by the Holy Spirit and they look and feel nothing at all like the typical service you are used to. Why is this so? Why do so many accept man's leadership and not God's? Because flesh wants flesh to rule over it. The people desire a king. "All seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christs" "Every man did that which was right in his own eyes".

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...