Monday, April 8, 2019

Father has shown me why Moses could not enter into the Promised Land. He represents the Law while the "promised land" represents Heaven (or our return to paradise) and the Law of Moses cannot take us into Heaven (our promised land), only the Law of Christ can.
I can imagine Moses - at the Resurrection, gazing upon the Promised land and finally getting to enter it. This is also why Joshua was the one to lead his people to their promised home, for "Joshua" is Greek for "Jesus". This analogy continues to hold true when we examine the Biblical reason Moses was denied entrance into the Promised land. He struck the rock rather than speak to it. Through the law, man is trying to become Holy enough to enter the Promised land, i.e. Heaven, through his own strength and effort. Even though they tried their best to obey all 666 of God's commands, they could not do it, which was the whole point of the Law after all - to prove to, to reveal to mankind our desperate need for a Savior - we simply cannot save ourselves.
When Moses struck the rock, the rock represents Christ, our source of (eternal) life (water came from the rock, water is essential to life). With the Law, we are trying to get what we can only get from Christ - holiness, righteousness, by using our strength (this is religion). Moses used his arm; the only thing WE, in and of ourselves can do to get what we need from Christ, our Rock of Salvation, is speak to Him (confess with your mouth), words of repentance, words of humility, asking Him for mercy, asking Him for His blood to be the atonement for our sins. Speaking (as Moses was commanded to do) represents our spirits, striking represents our flesh. The Law represents our flesh, our own efforts to be "good", good enough to gain entrance to Heaven but Jesus emphatically declared NO MAN IS GOOD except Christ the man, Why is our flesh dying? Because of our sin, because our sinful flesh cannot gain entrance to Heaven. This is why we're given a "glorified body", one that is sinless, that has never sinned, when we enter into God's Holy presence forever.
The sad thing is, both Jews and Christians today are still trying to please God and gain His favor, by keeping a set of rules and laws. All man made religions do this - Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and all who follow them will perish with the using All religions deceive men into believing - follow us, our instruction, our doctrine, and you will become holy enough to have God grant you Eternal life in paradise. Just believe our doctrines, our is enough.
Jews use God's word in pride, making it into a set of teachings to follow, teachings given by men trying to interpret and obey the Word apart from the Spirit that inspired it to begin with, but Christians do the exact same thing. Even "Pentecostal holiness" churches whose point of pride is that they allow the Holy Spirit into their meetings are full of do's and don't's, all of which are outward but do nothing to provide inward holiness, which can only come from our holy God dwelling within.
"WHEREFORE IF YOU ARE DEAD WITH CHRIST FROM THE RUDIMENTS OF THE WORLD, WHY, AS THOUGH LIVING IN THE WORLD, ARE YOU SUBJECT TO ORDINANCES (rules, laws, touch not, taste not, handle not, which all are to perish with the using), AFTER THE COMMANDMENTS AND DOCTRINES OF MEN? All will perish with the using! If we trust in a set of rules and doctrines to save us, we will perish! Because we are still doing it in our own strength and wisdom. If our hearts are focused on a set of doctrines, of we think something we do can save us, we will perish. Only by believing upon Jesus, not a set of teachings about Him, can we be saved It is Christ Himself who saves us - He must be the focus of our hearts, and when our hearts are full of Him, we will gain access to His mind, His thoughts, not man's. The "commandments and doctrines of men" "HAVE INDEED A SHOW OF WISDOM IN WILLING WORSHIP AND HUMILITY AND NEGLECTING OF THE BODY". Religious Christianity appears to be holy and right, but it's a show - it's all about a public display proving how humble and worshipful we are. Like Judaism, they use (and twist and misrepresent) Scripture, which babies swallow without question, having no idea what is God's wisdom and what is man's.

To be continued.... 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...