Saturday, April 27, 2019

President Trump's rallying cry is MAGA - "Make America Great Again", and he's succeeding on many levels, despite fierce opposition. However, we, as a nation, cannot succeed in becoming great unless we define greatness from God's perspective, then seek that greatness. We must become spiritually great or our natural successes will avail us nothing, in the long run. So I say make the Church in America great again.
We, as Christians, should adopt this as our rallying cry! We should abandon our "religion" and embrace Christ instead for the Church in America is a far cry from the vibrant, Spirit filled and led, blood bought Church we see in the Book of Acts, where miracles and the Holy Spirit's presence are the children's bread.
Throughout the New Testament, we see references to the saints as warriors, with ultimate power and authority given by God so they may literally be His ambassadors, His representatives on the earth in their generation, yet America spiritually continues to stink. We are like the Laodicean church in America today - wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, spiritually yet focused on our physical riches and money, saying to ourselves we are increased with goods and have need of nothing. I find it interesting that "MAGA" , Trump's rallying cry, in Hebrew means "contact combat". We must make contact with our enemy in order to defeat him. We cannot stand on one side of the valley and shout at him on the other side but never actually engage him in combat. When he sends his Goliath, we must not cower in fear. Like David, we must engage him in warfare in the spirit realm, as well as lay hands on the demon infested and cast them out. We must rid America of it's demons!
(side note: Sheryl and I are available to come and visit you in the first three weeks of November if you wish Apostolic and Prophetic insight and anointing. Contact me by private email to see about a visit, anywhere in the world you may be )
Back to this article, to continue the thought of "MTCIAGA" - "Make The Church In America Great Again", just as Trump (an apostle to America) has encountered great opposition from people whom he only wishes to help and do good to, so too will anyone wishing to help the churches and the saints in them caught in religion. It's amazing to me that people who could be mightily blessed by embracing Trump and his agenda, choose instead to hate and resist him, yet many today do the same thing to Jesus. As He tries to rescue and deliver them from mediocrity and a life lacking true spiritual riches, they resist Him and quench the Holy Spirit at every opportunity.
So do the never-Trumpers and Democrats who refuse to accept any blessing Trump may provide, though it's for their good. Madness has gripped some of the citizens of the USA and madness has gripped some of the citizens of the kingdom of God. Let's all wake up and arise and be doing! Let's get this message out there to as many people as possible, copy and paste, share, share, share! Download it into your heart so you can speak it again. Let's submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit and His agenda for the Father's children, our brethren. Let's individually obey Him, then corporately we'll become the people He wants us to be. LET'S MAKE THE CHURCH IN AMERICAN AND AROUND THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN! Selah.
"There be many that say, Who will show us any good? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us" "Oh ye sons of men, how long will you turn my glory into shame?" How long will you take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed? He that sits in the Heavens shall laugh! He shall hold you in derision. Then shall He speak to you in his wrath. The vain thing you imagine will come to naught, just as the tower of Babel came to naught. I did it before and i shall do it again, this time by fire. Do you not tremble at My words? Yet, in your arrogance, you refuse to bow the knee or the head. You are a stubborn and stiff necked people. Behold, i draw nigh with clouds and every eye shall see Me, and they also which pierced Me and all peoples of the earth shall wail because of Me. For they had the opportunity to know Me and they would not. I have a sword in My mouth which no man can resist. Repent or perish was my first message and it is my last. Rise or fall, the choice is yours. But know this, you cannot rise in your own strength or wisdom, only in Me can you become the Holy ones my Father has promised to me...only by My Spirit can you break the bands asunder, the bonds of iniquity and deceit the wicked so easily submit to. Repent or perish for I do not wish to remove your lamp stand from it's place. Stop gathering together to cater to the whims of your flesh and become broken before Me and I will raise you up to rule and reign on high. My glory will shine on you and in you from which the enemy will flee in terror. Spiritual wickedness in high places shall be exposed and brought low and spiritual righteousness shall be exposed and exalted. I know those who have ears to hear, who attend to My every word, who value my words above meat and drink, who live for me. They will be made known in the day when I reveal all who are mine to all who are not. For those who belong to me have my Father's mark upon their foreheads, not the mark of the beast. They have my Father's spirit abiding in them. They have welcomed Him and embraced Him and they rejoice to know Him and they make my Father's heart glad. I alone can make you great for I alone am great, saith the Lord. In me you shall know greatness, apart from me you can do nothing of  consequence, nothing of eternal value. Be a living stone I can use to build my house. Dead stones will be reduced to rubble, even as the greatest temple man ever built was reduced to nothing, for it was for their glory not mine, saith the Lord. When I departed, they remained, even as in church after church, I depart and they remain, saith the Lord. They do not follow me but remain camped around an image of me. Wisdom and understanding are coming to those who seek me. You shall survive without even the smell of smoke upon you. Heed my words, heed me and you shall live, saith the Lord. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...