Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Word without the Spirit quickening it availeth nothing. The Pharisees memorized entire books of the Bible but could not recognize or understand the "Word" they knew with their minds when He became flesh without the Holy Spirit. We too cannot recognize or understand the Word, written or spoken, when we encounter Him without the Holy Spirit. The scriptures can only be understood and profitable to us when the Holy Spirit reveals them to us, illuminates them for us. The Pharisees had the Word - and it profited them nothing. They thought they had eternal life because they had the Word but without the Holy Spirit they wielded the Word through their carnal, fleshly minds thereby bringing death upon themselves - not the life they thought they had. Jesus said to them - "You have not His word abiding in you, for whom He has sent, Him you believeth not. Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me. And you will not come to Me, that you might have life."
They accepted His word but not him. They had not his word abiding in them, that is in their hearts, only their minds. They thought they had eternal life because they had the scriptures, but the scriptures are there to testify of Christ - in Him we have eternal life, if we do not allow Him (his word) inside us, inside our hearts but only follow Him intellectually, all we do then, feed the poor, visit the sick and imprisoned, even prophecy, is done in pride, to make us look good, whereas when we do all those things from the directions and desires we receive from Him, personally, all we then do is for HIS glory, not our own. By His Spirit dwelling in us, awareness comes, understanding comes, revelation comes. Without Him, we substitute our own intellect and worldly wisdom, which causes us to misunderstand and misinterpret the scriptures. We cannot, like the Pharisees, recognize the Truth when we see it, therefore we accept the "teachings of devils" and proclaim them to be the teachings of God. We also accept "teachings of men" as the teachings of God.
Men world wide hold their Bibles high, service after service and proclaim they are teaching "the truth of God's word" when they are actually teaching falsehoods. They think they have eternal life because they have the scriptures but without the Holy Spirit they avail them nothing. Wielding/teaching the scriptures with pride and arrogance causes men to create 33,000 separate interpretations of the Word, each one believing their understanding is the right one, each with a slightly different (or vastly different, as the case may be) take on the scriptures. Often, a denomination will choose one area of scripture and camp around it...making their understanding of that area of scripture their "specialty". Anything the devil can imagine, will be embraced and taught by men, somewhere, as gospel truth. There is only one perspective, only one true interpretation of God's Word- The Holy Spirit's.

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