Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Lord's been sharing some insight with me. A short, but powerful word. This week, Marvel's latest movie will open, literally around the world. It could very well become the most viewed, and highest grossing movie in history. This is no coincidence, says the Lord, for the title of the movie is "Avengers: End Game". For the Lord is saying; we are all entering into the "end game" prophesied so often in scripture. All bets are off and the stakes are high. The Lord is our "Avenger" - Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord. He will avenge all wrongs, all injustices, not a single one escapes His notice. We're entering mankind's final season, the last quarter...the END GAME is truly upon us! For some, a new level, a stronger, deeper anointing is coming. For others, exposure is coming....revealing the tares and the wheat, revealing sins long hidden as well as saints long hidden, prepared by God for such a time as this. Those who have waited patiently upon the Lord will see their faith well rewarded. Mind blowing miracles will occur, even as this will be a mind blowing movie. Hardly anyone on earth at this point has not heard of Iron man, Captain America and co. and soon, hardly anyone on earth will be unaware of Jesus and what He is capable of. So take heart, people of God, vengeance is coming as we enter God's "end game", His perfect plans for us, in this, the end time, in which Babylon is judged and found wanting. Babylon will fall, even as the New Jerusalem is rising, saith The Lord.

PS...Just as in Avengers: Infinity War (another very prophetic name, for we are in a war for our eternal, infinite souls, as well as the souls of all mankind) it appears as if the Avengers, earth's mightiest warriors have lost, only to end up in the new movie winning, so will it appear for a season as if God's people are losing, yet we will win it all in the end.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...